Discussion items 

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links


Requirement Status for Guilin M4

Honolulu planning??Pamela Dragosh



  • Meeting on 9/30 will be cancelled due to ONES 9/28-9/30: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-networking-edge-summit-north-america/
    • Demo of Bell Canada implementation of Control Loop - all 3 days. Booth call is on Monday evening 4-5:30pm (EST)
  • Meeting on 10/14 will be cancelled due to our subcommittee has a topic proposal for LFN Fall Technical Meetings 10/13-15: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/8whoAg
  • CLAMP team missing today, will try to bring in Christophe Clossetnext week to discuss 1) Testing for Guilin of Control Loops, and 2) SDC and Policy Type/Policy interaction
  • Scott Blandford brought up that we should inquire with O-RAN open source alliance on their usage of ONAP for Control Loops. Will try to get John Keeney to come on to a future meeting to discuss what could be improved in Control Loop in ONAP to support O-RAN.
    • Ram Krishna Verma pointed out that there is a demo on Policy based RAN management in ONES - Policy-based RAN Management Using O-RAN’s Open-Source Non-RealTime-RIC (ONAP, ORAN-SC)



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