Please find below the Minutes of Meetings and recording for the SECCOM meeting that was held on 21st of June 2022.

Jira No

LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 13th-16th Porto, Portugal - summary

SECCOM retrospectives:

  • Log4j fix implementation in Istanbul Maintenance Release
  • Jakarta security status update


  • Global Requirements and Best Practices
  • Security PoCs:
  • security log fields
  • logging req
  • code quality
  • service mesh
  • SBOM enablement and maintenance, and packaging
  • Waiver policy update
  • On the road to gold badging
  • Reducing technical debt
  • Container signing
  • Container scanning
  • 5Y project review
  • Removing unmaintained code
  • ODL (Robert Varga) is offering some experience about CycloneDX format and SBOM to be reviewed by the ONAP SECCOM - e-mail sent to Robert.
  • To check with Robert Vargaand  Muddasar Ahmed SBOM proxy - email sent to Robert.

Waivers review between releasesWork started. Results for root_pods and unlimitted_pods from Guilin to Jakarta.startedTo be completed for remaining cathegories by Pawel - done

ONAP Kohn recommended versions

Amy's team is doing last check for data quality.

Last TSC June 9th sign-off – pushed to 23rd of June. Cassandra stability issue. SECCOM will not block the release.

Synch with OOM:

DTF presentation  from Tata communicationOlder ONAP version used.
To be shared what we are doing with them.

SBOMStill no update from Jess.
Governance board to be escalated to for SBOM and LF IT proper focus. Ranny was contatced by e-mail as a follow-up of DTF discussion.

Whitesource ( container scansNew ticket submitted to LFN IT: IT-24112 - Jess was asked for an update.

Technical debtPTLs to be consulted. to know how PTL thinks when looking at Jira tickets. Vijay will be on PTO for next 2 weeks, so it will not be DCAE, AAI under consideration.
Ask at the next PTLs meeting for volunteering PTLs. Amy and Muddasar to synch each other on that.

Automation for dependency management  

Muddasar is presenting at HardenStance (6/23) MITRE's FiGHT framework for 5G security.  In case anyone is interested here is the link:


15 minutes for Muddasar to present 5G security.


SECCOM presentation: