This section describes Business Drivers of this use case:

Executive Summary

5G Network Slicing is one of the central features of 5G. Network Slicing essence is in sharing network resources (PNFs, VNFs, CNFs) while satisfying multiple, sometimes contradictory requirements. Same network is expected to provide different Quality of Experience to different consumers. An End-to-End Network Slice consists of RAN, Transport and Core network slice sub-nets. This Use Case intends to demonstrate the modeling, orchestration and assurance of a simple network slice (e.g. eMBB). While 3GPP standards are evolving and 5G Core is emerging, the Use Case will start with simple example of a 5G RAN Network Slice sub-net.

Business Impact - A feature that almost every service provider will leverage. Therefore, developing it once improves efficiency. It allows a service provider to improve their network efficiency by maximizing the network throughput more tailored to each user's use of the network. It is seen as an imperative for efficient and optimal use of their network. This will be particularly relevant as 5G is expected to have upwards of 10,000x the traffic load over 4G and 20GB peak data rates.

Business Markets - Network Slicing, for this use case, is specifically aimed at 5G Wireless. In the future, this might be extended to other domains or applications such as fixed wireless convergence, or unified network management orchestration. This is the functionality that almost every wireless service provider will find valuable. The concepts and modeling work being done for Network slicing will find applications in other areas as well. (Sector/Domains) Transport and core aspects of network slicing will eventually be incorporated into this use case. These domains also play a part in defining and managing a network slice as well. (Industries) Some applications and industries such as remote maintenance, video streaming vs life-saving first-responder type applications will demand different requirements from Network slicing. (Markets Regions) There are no regional specific aspects to Network Slicing.

Funding/Financial Impacts - Network slicing engenders the optimal use of resources for a Network. Thus, this represents OPEX savings for a service provider.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies - There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.


In R4 (Dublin) release only modeling of 5G Network Slicing will be provided.

Orchestration of the 5G Network Slicing model is planned in later release (R5), pending availability SO development resources and of 5G RAN (and optionally 5G Core) simulators.


Modeling Sub-Committee

Model proposal will be provided to Modeling Sub-Committee upon definition

Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services


SDC-1999 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Operation interfaces

SDC-1994 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Add property to VNF and PNFClosed

SDC-1993 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Service dependency - Input Data and ValidationsClosed

SDC-1990 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Service ConsumptionClosed

SDC-1991 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Service Consumption - Input Data and ValidationsClosed

SDC-1992 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Service dependency - Rainy Day ValidationsClosed

SDC-1988 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Add property to serviceClosed

SDC-1987 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Add dependent child service to serviceClosed

SDC-2016 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SDC support of configuration templates in services, VNFs, PNFsNext releases

5G Slicing Lifecycle Flow

ONAP Network Slice modeling - uploaded by Borislav Glozman - Oct 18, 2018

5G Network Slicing Dublin Release - uploaded by Patrick Maguire - Dec 7, 2018

5G Network Slicing Dublin Release Use Case 1 Ambition Level 2 - uploaded by Patrick Maguire - Dec 6, 2018

  • No labels


  1. All,

     Please review the attached description of slice / slice segment lifecycle flow and suggest any changes or add next level of details.



  2. Just to clarify, i believe the Slice templates will be stored in SO catalog which will be triggered via VID and the corresponding template will be invoke and executed by SO. SO will then pass the configuration parameters to SDN-R (RAN Contoller) for slice creation.

  3. Rakesh, Yes.  Slice template could be stored in runtime catalog and when a request comes (either via VID or API), SO will fetch the needed template, decompose it into slice subnets, and create needed slice subnets.  One of the slice subnet could be RAN, and that request would go to RAN controller (SDN-R)

  4. Vimal Begwani Is there any sample TOSCA templates that models the RAN NSST, CN NSST and Transport network ? 

  5. We wanted to make some progress on Slicing from an OOF optimization perspective in Dublin (and probably a limited PoC with the OOF worlflows), to get us ready for R5. Swaminathan Seetharaman and I are putting together a proposal -  I'm guessing we should track it, when we have it ready, in this page, to keep things together ?

  6. Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan  and I are working on updates to the proposal based on the feedback received during the presentation to the 5G use cases team (targeting Phase 1 for Frankfurt). We will also try to align with the efforts of Borislav Glozmanas much as possible, though our focus at present is on slice orchestration & optimization, in a step-by-step manner. We will present the updated proposal in a few weeks.