5G Functional Requirements Tracking


5G Use Case - Casablanca Requirements for F2F discussion - in LA on March 26, 2018

Beijing Release thread for the 5G Use Case

Related Items

Edge Automation through ONAP

Optimization Framework Project

SDN-R Documents


  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 5G-NFD-funcReqmts-050318.xlsx Functional Requirements Summary May 04, 2018 by Tracy Van Brakle
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 5G-NFD-funcReqmts-050418.xlsx Updated the slicing section (draft view) May 04, 2018 by Shekar Sundaramurthy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5G-Slicing_Casablanca-050318.pptx Slicing - generic model based requirements May 03, 2018 by Shekar Sundaramurthy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5GucCasablanca-03222018v3.pptx 5G Casablanca Use Case Summaty v3 Apr 24, 2018 by Shekar Sundaramurthy
PDF File 5GucCasablancaARCReview_06262018.pdf Jun 26, 2018 by Vimal Begwani
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5GucCasablancaScope_n_design.pptx Jul 13, 2018 by Vimal Begwani
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5GucCasablancaSummary-050918.pptx Requirements Summary May 09, 2018 by Shekar Sundaramurthy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5GucCasablancaSummary-051818.pptx updates from post-TSC comments/discussions May 21, 2018 by Shekar Sundaramurthy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5GucCasablancaSummary-06192018.pptx Casablanca Requirements for 5G Support Jun 14, 2018 by Vimal Begwani
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5Guc-RAN Operations (SW upgrade)-Casablanca-Huawei&CMCC 05112018v1.pptx Prez on May 17 from Huawei&CMCC on SW Upgrade May 30, 2018 by Shekar Sundaramurthy
PDF File 5GUseCase_OOFPCI_Policy_Impacts_v_0_3.pdf Aug 29, 2018 by N.K. Shankaranarayanan
Microsoft Word Document 5GUseCase_OOFPCI_SDN_R_Impacts_v_0_3.docx Aug 31, 2018 by Swaminathan Seetharaman
Microsoft Word Document 5GUseCase_OOFPCI_SDN_R_Impacts_v_0_5.docx Sep 18, 2018 by Swaminathan Seetharaman
PDF File ONF Connect - WT - complete.pdf ONF section of joint ONF / ONAP / O-RAN PoC Dec 07, 2018 by Tracy Van Brakle
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation OOF_PCI_Dublin_20190118.pptx Jan 18, 2019 by N.K. Shankaranarayanan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation OOF_PCI_POC_Demo_20181213.pptx Dec 17, 2018 by N.K. Shankaranarayanan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation OOF_PCI_proposal_v4_20180822.pptx Aug 23, 2018 by N.K. Shankaranarayanan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation PCI_microservice_proposal_v6_Aug22_2018.pptx Aug 23, 2018 by N.K. Shankaranarayanan
PDF File RadioControllerWork_20180626.pdf Jun 26, 2018 by Vimal Begwani

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  1. All

    Agenda for May 3, 2018

    - 5G VNF/PNF deployment use case – Scenario 1 (covered by Nokia on 4/5/18)

    - 5G VNF/PNF deployment use case – Scenario 2 (covered by Ericsson on 4/12/18)

    - 5G VNF/PNF deployment use case – Scenario 3 (covered by Huawei on 4/26/18) 

    - 5G VNF/PNF deployment use case – Integrated view (by Ben Cheung)

    - Review Summary Functional Requirements for Casablanca – Updates Review

    - 5G Optimization/Framework use case – (Vmware/AT&T)

    - 5G Slicing for Casablanca – Revised to Requirements only – Review by All

    - Other items?


    Shekar Sundaramurthy, AT&T

  2. Folks

    I uploaded 2 documents

    1) Based on the email comments from Oskar Malm and input from others on the call I updated the requirement summary here https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/29788530/5G-NFD-funcReqmts-050318.xlsx?api=v2 - Please update/revise based on your inputs (remember to comment/document specific changes in the tracking sheet)

    2) I uploaded the proposed 'requirements only view on slicing' - if you have other proposals/ideas, please bring them to the meeting/wiki for discussion https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/29788530/5G-Slicing_Casablanca-050318.pptx?api=v2 

    3) Next meeting - we will hear from ONF (Tom Tofigh / Oguz) about the ONF demo on slicing and its management via ONAP


    Shekar Sundaramurthy

  3. Agenda for May 10, 2018

    - 5G Optimization/Framework use case update – Vmware/AT&T

    - Slicing Implementation in ONF – An overview – Tom Tofigh / Oguz Sunay

    - Other updates/items?


    Shekar Sundaramurthy, AT&T

  4. All

    Agenda for May 17, 2018

    - 5G Optimization/Framework  – Vmware/AT&T

    - 5G PNF software upgrade management – Ulas/CMCC/Huawei

    - 5G PNF Template/Blueprint for software management – Li/China Mobile GCRC

    - Slicing Implementation in ONF – An overview – Tom Tofigh / Oguz Sunay

    - Other items?


    Shekar Sundaramurthy, AT&T

    p.s. sorry, missed out the last ONF item in the email I sent

  5. All

    Agenda for June 7, 2018

    • High Volume Real-time Streaming VES Collector : Marge Hillis / Nokia
    • Real-time data Event Streaming and Processing (RESP) : Parviz Yegani / Huawei
    • Other updates/items?


    Shekar Sundaramurthy, AT&T

  6. Agenda for June 14, 2018

    • Real-time Data/Event Streaming Using RESP/DDS : Parviz Yegani  / Huawei
    • 5G Use Case Summary for Casablanca for F2F review@Beijing : Vimal Begwani / AT&T
    • Proposal for enhancing performance measurement collection : Ulas Kozat / Huawei
    • Other updates/items?


    Shekar Sundaramurthy, AT&T

  7. All,

      I have uploaded 5G Use Case requirements for Casablanca release, please and provide your comments by tomorrow morning.



  8. Folks

    Due to the overlap with the f2f meeting in Beijing next week, the weekly 5G use case sub team will skip the next meeting on Thursday 6/21/18.

    We will meet again on 6/28/18.


    Shekar Sundaramurthy

  9. Agenda for July 5, 2018

    • 5G use case SDN controller terminology – update from TSC resolution on topic
    • Update(s) on Casablanca work Items
      • M1 status & Implementation/test plan discussion for
        • 5G PNF Support (PnP, SW Version)
        • 5G Performance Analysis & Optimization (HV/RT Collection, Bulk PM, Optimization Framework)
    • Other Items
  10. Agenda for July 12, 2018

    • Update(s) on Casablanca work Items
      • Status & Implementation/test plan discussion for
        • 5G PNF Support (PnP, SW Version)
        • 5G Performance Analysis & Optimization (HV/RT Collection, Bulk PM, Optimization Framework)
    • Update on Flow Format Using Gliffy
    • New Page for Casablanca Status Summary https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/5G+Functional+Requirements+Tracking
    • Other Items
  11. All,

     I have upload the latest 5G Use Case Scope and controller design.  Controller persona to be used for 5G support in Casablanca time frame will be SDN-C.  Project description has been updated accordingly and I have included two slides describing controller repos and binary creation diagram as well.

