
HTTP Verbs:

  • GET - Returns JSON formatted list of executions.
    • Returned structure:
               "execution_id": <execution_id>,
               "workflow_name": <name>,
               "service_template_name": <template name>,

                              "service_name": <service name>,

                              "status": <execution state>







  • GET - Returns JSON formatted details of specific execution ID ( positive integer)
    • Returned structure:
            "execution_id": <execution_id>,
            "workflow_name": <name>,
            "service_template_name": <template name>,

                         "service_name": <service name>,

                          "status": <execution state>


  • POST - Resumes a stopped execution.
  • DELETE - Cancels the specified execution.


  • GET - Returns JSON encoded details of specified node template.


  • GET - Returns JSON list of all services.
    • Returned structure:
               "id": <service_id>,
               "description": <description>,
               "name": <service name>,

                              "service_template": <service template id>,

                              "created": <created date>,

                              "updated": <updated date>







  • DELETE - Deletes the specified service id (positive integer)


  • GET - Returns JSON list of all executions for the specified service id (positive integer)
    • Returned structure:  see  /api/0.1/executions


  • POST - Starts the execution of the specified workflow name for the specified service id (positive integer)


  • GET - Gets the JSON formatted inputs for the specified service id (positive integer)
    • Returned structure:
                     "name": <input name>,
                     "description": <input description>,
                     "value": <input value>







  • GET - Gets the JSON formatted outputs for the specified service id (positive integer)
  • Returned structure:
                   "name": <output name>,
                   "description": <output description>,
                   "value": <output value>







  • GET - Lists all defined user workflows for the specified service id (positive integer)
    • Returned structure: simple JSON list with workflow names, e.g. '[ "install", "uninstall" ]'


  • POST - Validates a TOSCA template based on the JSON formatted POST body (content type = application/json)
    • POST body keys and usage:
      • service_template_path,  string, required, URL to template or CSAR
      • service_template_filename, string, optional, default to service-template.yaml
    • Example body:
            "service_template_path":  "http://myhost/templates/mytemplate.csar" ,
            "service_template_filename": "mytemplate.yaml"


  • GET - Returns JSON list of stored service templates.
    • Returned structure:
                     "name": <service template name>,
                     "description": <service template description>,
                     "id": <service template id (positive integer)>







  • DELETE - Delete a template from ARIA storage (positive integer)


  • GET - Gets a JSON representation of a template by id (positive integer)


  • GET - Returns JSON formatted list of node templates in specified template id (positive integer)
      • Returned structure:
                   "id": <node id>,
                   "name": <node name>,
                   "description": <node description>,

                                  "service_template_id": <service template id (positive integer)>,

                                  "type_name": <node type name>







  • POST  - Creates a service from the specified service template id (positive integer)
    • Body encoding:
               "inputs": "input1=value1; input2=value2..."



  • PUT - Installed a service template in ARIA storage based on PUT body and encoding.
    • Body encoding based on content-type in request:
      • json encoding:
                   "template_path": <url to stored template or CSAR>,

                                      "template_filename":  <name of main template file (optional, default = service-template.yaml)


      • application/zip encoding:  assumes body is a binary CSAR blob.  If custom service template filename needed, pass in URL request args as ?service_template_filename=name.
      • text/plain: assumes the body is a single file template.
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Q: is this the ARIA tosca spec RI we are talking about? http://ariatosca.incubator.apache.org/

    re 20181018 TSC meet