Everyone should immediately begin following the model used by many other OSS communities and change your Zoom name to First-name FAMILY-NAME (company) – capitalization of family name here is intentional to help our global community.
Example:  Hosty MCHOSTFACE (Fetzervalve)

WAITING ROOM ENABLED by default; HOST/CO-HOST will allow attendees following zoom naming convention.


  • TBD

Meeting agenda

Project status
  • Jakob - Works on guide for blueprint processor and managed to fix with Joseph the bootstrap issue (bad CBA caused the problem)
  • Julien - Focuses on CDS and SDNC multitenancy REQ-340 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Łukasz - His work on integration tests is blocked because of missing SO release. This issue also blocks scale-out tests of CDS. Additionally Łukasz works on  REQ-458 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Oleg - Internally merged PV/PVC changes, will push them upstream for initial review but asks others to not merge them yet (changes will be in both CDS and OOM repos)
  • Yuriy - Progresses smoothly with the UI and is expecting more features to come in soon, most likely the new features will be tied to Honolulu.

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