Everyone should immediately begin following the model used by many other OSS communities and change your Zoom name to First-name FAMILY-NAME (company) – capitalization of family name here is intentional to help our global community.
Example:  Hosty MCHOSTFACE (Fetzervalve)

WAITING ROOM ENABLED by default; HOST/CO-HOST will allow attendees following zoom naming convention.


  • TBD

Meeting agenda

API Endpoint Documentation

In RTD Jakob created a section for API reference with a template for new endpoints. Integration of Swagger can be used but Swagger is at the moment not included in the docs build. We have a green light to re-include swagger in docs generation process but need to keep in mind that GRPC is a recommended API.

Project status

Dan - There is a need to release final docker image for G. Due to new bug fixes the new image will need to be generated. Dan is waiting for a green light to generate new version.

Yuriy - The new UI development is progressing nicely, there is a chance for a demo in coming weeks.

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