General Guidelines


It is up to the consumer of the java API if they want to log the exception or not. 


In the REST API when we catch an exception we should log it as we lose a lot of information when we convert it into a HTTP response code.


For business exceptions we will use error level but we will add configuration so that it is not written to the console by default.


You should log the original exception if it provides more information. 

5Exception should be logged as close to the source as possible.

For business exceptions we will use error level but we will add configuration so that it is not written to the console by default.

7Check logging level when constructing strings i.e. using more than one static string.

Summary of each logging level

Log Level


FatalOne or more key business functionalities are not working and the whole system doesn’t fulfill the business functionalities.
ErrorOne or more functionalities are not working, preventing some functionalities from working correctly.
WarnUnexpected behavior happened inside the application, but it is continuing its work and the key business features are operating as expected.
InfoAn event happened, the event is purely informative and can be ignored during normal operations.
DebugA log level used for events considered to be useful during software debugging when more granular information is needed.
TraceA log level describing events showing step by step execution of your code that can be ignored during the standard operation, but may be useful during extended debugging sessions.

Logging Examples Specific to CPS 

#ScenarioLogging levelDecision on how/where to log
1 If the user tries to add an anchor with no dataspace we will log "Dataspace does not exist".ErrorThis will be logged in the place it is handled. 

Where exactly to log error, at source or a common central place?

  1. Prevent same error being logged may times (some duplication might be unavoidable though)
  2. Consider that REST layer is optional (so that is why the current commit is not a good solution for centralized logging)
ErrorThis will be logged in the place it is handled. 
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