
CPS-1392 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Consume Event
  2. Check if dataCategory is 'CM'
  3. log consumption
  4. Check scheme
  5. Create object
  6. Log object

Consumer Pseudo Code

Pseudo Code
public class SubscriptionCreatedEventConsumer {
 	@KafkaListener(topics = "${}")	//Blocking: See issue #2
	public void consumeSubscriptionEvent(final SubscriptionCreatedEvent subscriptionCreatedEvent){
		if(subscriptionCreatedEvent.dataCategory == 'CM'){				//Check dataCategory
			log.debug("Consuming event {} ...", subscriptionCreatedEvent);
			if(checkFormat(subscriptionCreatedEvent)){					//Check format of message
				Subscription createSubscription = new Subscription()	//Create Object
				log.debug("subscription created "+ createSubscription)	//Log subscription

 	public boolean checkFormat(SubscriptionCreatedEvent event){
		//Blocking: See issue #1

Subscription Object - Will be finalised when schema confirmed

Object Parameters
String clientID
Stirng name
String subscriptionID = clientID+name
Boolean isTagged = default no

String dataspace
String dataCategory	= necessary? should always be 'CM'
String dataProvidor
String schemeName
String schemaVersion

Collection persistence

Issues & Decisions

#IssueNotes Decision
1Subscription Event Scheme

Protocol : Kafka Event
Topic : variable topic name

Event Scheme
  "version": "<event type version>",
  "eventType": "subscriptionCreated",
  "event": {
    "subscription": {
      "clientID": "<unique identifier for the client >",
      "name": "<unique subscription name per client>",
      "isTagged": "<yes|no>, optional parameter, default is no"
    "dataType": {
      "dataspace": "<data space>",
      "dataCategory": "<data category type>",
      "dataProvider": "<data provider type>"
      "schemaName": "<schema name>"
      "schemaVersion": "<schema version>"
    "predicates": {
      "<parameter>": "<value>",
      "param2": [

2Configurable TopicPointer where previously implemented
  • No labels