
CPS-1964 - Getting issue details... STATUS



uri-FDN and  LDNs should contain "/" and not "," as delimiters at the start of the naming attribute

FDN example : 


URI FDN example : 


Should be compliant with 3GPP, should start with '/ '


Datajobid provided by DCM

Issues & Decisions

IssueNotes Decision

Is creation of the data job in scope? I assume not. Assuming this is the revelevant section of the diagram.

Creation of data job done by DCM

Are all CRUDAQ datajobs being supported?


What is the signature of the DataJob request? What fields are provided to DCM/NCMP?

CPS team can propose
4DeliveryDelivering Java Interface only


5TechnicalCan single DataJob have multiple requests and requests of different forms i.e. 2*read request and 1*write request?Yes. Maintain the order.
6TechnicalWhere do we find the EMS sub-job format?

Defined by E///


7TechnicalWhat does the acknowledge sync response from NCMP to DCM require?Number of sub-jobs and ids of sub-jobs

In which artifact and package will NCMP Java APIs be located/implemented?

In which package will DMI (Onap) Java APIs be located/implemented?

Discuss in a separate user story

Agree names for incoming data jobs

Discuss with stakeholders



Agree names for sub-jobs towards DMI

Discuss with stakeholders



How do we need that data job being async?

Will be agreed during the grooming user story

What is the name of the topic of DMI-Internal?

Will be agreed during the grooming user story

<Note. use green for closed issues, yellow for important ones if needed>



  1. Java interface to process a data job request
  2. Splitting the main job into multiple DMI sub-jobs
  3. Synchronous response with sub jobid
  4. Async mechanism to return list of jobs
  5. DMI or ENM responses ( Not CPS responsibility )
  6. Listen to the responses on internal topics 
  7. Forward responses to the relevant topics
  8. Error Handling
  9. Specify the REST interface spec between NCMP and DMI plugin

To Be Agreed with Stakeholders

  1. Names DataJob / SubJobs
  2. Datastructure of the DataJob (field names and java types)
  3. DMI response cloud event schema
  4. Internal topic names e.g. dmi-internal

Suggested User Story Breakdown

  1. Define DMI REST APIs and implement
  2. Handle request break-down (steps 1 and 2 on the diagram)
  3. Handle synchronous data-job response (step 4) and synch sub-job responses (steps 3)
    • Agree on asynch data-job response with nm-engineering team
  4. Response schema for DMI response (Parallel to above steps 1, 2 and 3)
  5. Forward response (Parallel to above steps 1, 2 and 3)
  6. Delivery of product
  7. Error handling and more...

Datajob Read Request

Dataflow Diagram

Possible Flow

  1. Take in list of datajob actions
    1. Based on datajob object being looked (Levente)
    2. Probably consisting of jobid, List<subjobrequests>
    3. Subjobrequests consisting of operation, operationid, path, attributes
  2. Look up CMHandleId from alternateId
    1. Trying to find out if this already exists otherwise
      1. implement org.onap.cps.ncmp.api.impl.inventory.getCmHandleIdfromAlternateId(alternateid)
  3. Look up DMI Service Name and DataProducerIdentifier
    1. Using CMHandleId
    2. Not currently implemented
    3. DMI Service Name and DataProducerIdentifier form a tuple
  4. Send  1 request per ProducerKey to interface DMI-I-02 in DMI Plugin
    1. Need to implement new DMI Interface
    2. Need to split requests for the relevant DMIs/ENMs based on alternateid
    3. Quick Sort paths first?

Possible Tests(happy flows)

Test No.Testing
Test 11 DMI, 1 FDN, 1 Action
Test 21 DMI, 1FDN, 2 Actions
Test 31 DMI, 2 FDN, 1 Action per FDN
Test 4

2 DMI, 1FDN, 1 Action

Test 5

2 DMI, 2 FDN, 1 Action per FDN

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