Meeting Day

Meeting Time

Conference Bridge

Mondays 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (UTC + 0)

ZOOM Conference Bridge

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Meeting Attendees:

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda Items


Vendors willing to participate the CVC ONS Testing

Updates from Lincoln and Heather.

Heather Kirksey still working on this.


Lincoln Lavoie and Heather Kirksey already have the conversation with Vendors.

Vincent Scharf is trying to test clearwater(opensource IMS) by using VVP.

Margaret Chiosi will approach intel to ask if their EPC solution could participate our CVC testing.

potential VNF products:

  1. Clearwater – VVP
  2. Intel EPC? – VNFSDK/VVP?
    No Response until now.
  3. Huawei Commercial VNFs – VNFSDK
  4. TBA

Meeting Plan

We could holding this meeting before ONS.

After ONS, we could have the meeting monthly or bi-weekly.


The only thing we need to confirm the participants from Lincoln Lavoie and Heather Kirksey .

Confirm with Lincoln with Email.

Meeting Recording

    • Video Recording:
    • Audio Only Recording:
    • Slides:
  • No labels


  1. Weitao Gao unfortunately I am out of office this week and will not be able to join the meeting. I am going to be back next week.

    1. Vincent, No problem. Thanks for your updates.