On a deployed instance of SO, you can use the Camunda Cockpit to view BPMN 2.0 workflow definitions in the deployment.

Unfortunately, the Community Edition of Camunda included with SO is not fully featured.  It cannot be used to inspect running and completed process instances.  For that, the Enterprise Edition is required.

Logging In

Because port 8080 on the docker host machine is forwarded to port 8080 in the SO docker container you can log into the cockpit by browsing to this URL:


Where dockerhost is the docker host system.

If you can use a browser on the docker host system, then use a localhost address:


The user is "admin" and the password is the same as the jboss admin password, which is not displayed here.

Viewing Process Definitions

Use the drop-down menu next to the home icon and select the "Cockpit" option:

The number of deployed process definitions should be displayed.  Click on it.

Now you should see an actual list of deployed process definitions.  You can click on any of them to view them.

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  1. 1) We are able to deploy the bpmn files in stand alone camunda engine(community edition) using the below command,

    curl -v http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/deployment/create -F deployment-name="test-deployment" -F DoCreateVfModule.bpmn=@DoCreateVfModule.bpmn

    I tried the above command by replacing localhost with mso docker ip,but it gave 404 error.

    There is no deploy option available in camunda cockpit(community edition).Is it possible to deploy bpmn process in camunda community edition? If so please provide command or any other alternative.

    2) And how to get the licence for enterprise edition (ONAP on kubernetes)?

    1. It's been a very long time since I've tried to use the engine-rest API in ECOMP, and I've never tried to use it in ONAP.  I think it's likely that some configuration or dependency is missing.  We don't currently have a use for it.  While you could possibly deploy a bpmn flow through this API, you couldn't deploy any resources (like scripts or classes) that may be needed by the flow.

      As for enterprise licenses, yes, that's a problem.  They cost real money.   Byung-Woo Jun (Ericsson) has made a Beijing release proposal for us to develop our own cockpit version having enterprise-like capabilities.

      1. Thanks.But we have to execute the workflows for our use case.So,can you suggest any other way to deploy bpmn's without going for enterprise edition of camunda? 

        1. You can create new workflows and compile them into the so/bpmn/MSOInfrastructure project.  This is how flows are "deployed" in the Amsterdam release.  It is not the long term strategy, but it's what we have now.

          1. Hello Rob, I added custom workflows as you suggested. They are listed in my camunda cockpit, but I can't get them to start directly by API call. I want to execute them by communicating directly with Camunda and without passing by the SO API Handler. Is this possible ?

            I am getting an error 500 - internal server error. The address I am calling is http://localhost:8080/camunda/api/engine/engine/default/process-definition/key/HelloWorldSchema/start 

            I added the java class associated with my bpmn schema to the scripts folder and corrected the package path to "org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.infrastructure.scripts" and am not using any other libraries, since I am just printing a hello world to test. I also updated the value in the execution listener. I confirm that my process key is HelloWorldSchema and have doubled checked every toher values before posting this comment. 

            One last thing, every time I change something, I need to go through the whole compilation process which takes me up to 2h, is there another way to test changes ?

            1. Hi omar,

              We tried to add our custom workflow to the so/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/resources/process folder and built it using mvn clean install. then we tried the rest end point for camunda cockpit which is http://dockerhost:8080/camunda/app/admin/default/#/login. but we are able to see only one process deployed in the cockpit, which is the default loan approval.bpmn in camunda. Please tell us how you compiled your custom workflows and deployed them.

              We also want to execute wokflows without going through api handler. what did you upload in the execution listener and where do you define the process key for your hellowolrd test. Can you tell us how you exposed the rest end point that you have put in the comments section.(http://localhost:8080/camunda/api/engine/engine/default/process-definition/key/HelloWorldSchema/start)

              thanks in advance

              1. I added the workflow in so/bpmn/MSOInfrastructure/process folder, and the execution listener to the groovy folder in MSOInfrastructure. Then I recompiled the whole docker container by following the steps described on  http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/so.git/docs/Building_SO.html, and followed on the next topic which describes the docker containers' deployment procedure. I see 88 different WF on the cockpit, as should you (87 are ONAP's built in BPMN, the last one beeing my own). 

                The rest end point gets exposed on its own. After logging on the cockpit if you try send a GET request on http://localhost:8080/camunda/api/engine/engine/default/process-definition/ you should get the list of WF deployed on your engine. 

            2. Hi Omar

              I faced the same internal server error when I used that rest endpoint. I have deployed a test bpmn with process key Process_2 and I am not able to start it . Have you resolved the above error ? If yes please tell how you resolved the same and is there any other way to start a process in camunda.

  2. What is the password to login the camunda dashboard?

  3. Arindam Mondal Arindam Mondal I found the admin password in the SO/packages/docker/src/main/docker/docker-files/Dockerfile.wildfly-10 file on line 29

  4. While deploying SO locally within docker container -

    On trying to open http://localhost:8080/camunda/app/admin/default/#/login, immediately I am getting a pop up for authentication (username and password). This is before actually loading the camunda login page. I guess this is spring security authentication. What user name password should be used here so that further login page of camunda opens. Currently it is doing authentication with role as anonymous.