Several DCAE components have their own APIs for status reporting and operations.

DCAE Controller 

The DCAE Controller exposes several APIs.  The base URL is:  http://{username}:{password}@{controller_ip}:9998/

DCAE Reports API

VM StatusPUTBASE/gui

-H "Content-type: application/json"

-H "action: getTable"

 -d '{"path":"/reports/dcae/vms","start":"-24hour","end":"now"}'

list of status of DCAE VMs
Service Instance StatusPUTBASE/gui

-H "Content-type: application/json"

-H "action: getTable"

 d '{"path":"/reports/dcae/serviceinstances","start":"-24hour","end":"now"}'

list of status of DCAE Service Instances

DCAE resource API



list of status of DCAE resources

DCAE DMaaP Message Router

DCAE has its own instances of Message Routers as part of its DMaaP.  The Message Router API is described here.

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1 Comment

  1. What is the username/password to be used in the base URL?