
Current software development projects are separated from front-end, back-end and database, which

facilitates horizontal expansion and application service arrangement.

Service choreography often uses k8s as a management tool.

When deploying a separate back-end service to k8s, we fifirst need to create a docker image to ensure the

successful operation of the back-end service in the container, and build a database image to locally test

whether the back-end service can access the database.


  • Use of docker command
  • Writing of dockerfifile


3.Specifific implementation

This section takes the uui-server in the ONAP project as an example to build the backend service and

connect its Postgres database.

The project code can be obtained at the following link:


uui-server is a single micro service in the project. In the previous version, the server and Postgres database

are in the same container, which is not safe for data. After the service is suspended, the database will also be

suspended, which is not conducive to data recovery and service restart.

The following steps are required:

  1. Modify dockerfifile and script to build image
  2. Conduct local tests

3.0 Directory structure of UUI server image fifileThe directory structure is shown in the fifigure above

assembly/bin contains the start and stop command.

Confifig places static confifiguration fifiles.

3.1Modify the application.properties parameter

Modify the application.properties with local connection only to read the environment variable value fifirst




Modifified as:





This can not only keep the local environment unchanged, but also facilitate the injection of environment

variables to achieve external connection.

3.2 Write dockerfifile

FROM nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/integration-java11:9.0.0

MAINTAINER "Lu Ji" <lu.ji3@zte.com.cn>

# Expose the Usecase-UI backend port


#Configure Java SDK


USER root

#Add Usecase-UI server related resources to the docker image

RUN mkdir /home/uui

WORKDIR /home/uui

ADD usecase-ui-server-*-linux64.tar.gz /home/uui/delete the command to start Postgres in run.sh

3.3 offlfflffline debugging

3.3.0 modify Dockerfifile

Please note that

ADD usecase-ui-server-*-linux64.tar.gz /home/uui/

command is for online Jenkins to build images automatically.

For the local test ,it needs to be modifified first

FROM nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/integration-java11:9.0.0

MAINTAINER "Lu Ji" <lu.ji3@zte.com.cn>

# Expose the Usecase-UI backend port


#Configure Java SDK


USER root

#Add Usecase-UI server related resources to the docker image

RUN mkdir /home/uui

WORKDIR /home/uui

ADD . /home/uui

RUN addgroup -S uui && adduser -S uui -G uui && chown -R uui:uui /home/uuimodify run.sh

USER uui

WORKDIR /home/uui

ENTRYPOINT /home/uui/bin/run.sh

modify run.sh


echo @main_path@ $main_path


JAVA_OPTS="-Xms50m -Xmx128m"




echo @jar_path@ $jar_path

echo "Starting usecase-ui-server..."

$JAVA_PATH $JAVA_OPTS -classpath $jar_path -jar $jar_path $SPRING_OPTS

3.3.1 maven package

click package in idea,or use maven command to get package.

we get usecase-ui-server-3.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .

move it in assembly dir.

3.3.2 image build

run command below in assembly dir.

docker build . -t uui-server:1

3.3.3 run postgres

Start a Postgres database in docker, and put the initialization script of the database in init In the SQL fifile.

docker run -itd --name uui-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=uui -e POSTGRES_DB=uui

-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=uui -v ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/postgres.sql


-The V command is to set its own init The SQL is hung in the container, and the Postgres container will access

the SQL script in the / docker entrypoint initdb. D directory when it is started. This is designed by the Postgres

image itself and can be used directly.

It is possible that init.sql fails to be mounted. You need to debug whether it is successfully mounted.

My mount command under windows env is:

docker run -itd --name uui-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=uui -e POSTGRES_DB=uui

-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=uui -v C:\Users\95652.000\Desktop\LFN\backend\assembly\sql:/docker-


int-initdb.d/ postgres:14.4


docker inspect uui-postgres -f “{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}”

View IP address uui-postgres-ip

Because - P 5432:5432 mounts the port, you can also use the local IP directly

3.3.4 Run the built server image

docker run -itd -e POSTGRES_IP=UUI-POSTGRES-IP -e MSB_ADDR= -p 8082:8082 --name

uui-b3 uui-server:1

The uui-postgres-ip is replaced with the Postgres container IP or the local IP.

Only Postgres is added here_ IP, the default is OK for others.

View UUI server logs

docker logs uui-b3

You can see that there is no failure to connect to the database.

3.3.5 fifinally call the API port to query whether the database value

can be read


4. error reporting

These problem happens in windows environment. if you use windows to make local test, these report may


4.1 run.sh not found,after running the image

It is because the format of the Linux system conflflicts with that of the windows system. The windows system

uses CRLF and the Linux fifile format uses LF . Use idea or vs code to modify the encoding type and rebuild the


4.2 user uui cannot be found while docker is running

You need to add users in the dockerfifile

RUN addgroup -S uui && adduser -S uui -G uui && chown -R uui:uui /home/uui

4.3 Start the Postgres database under windows and fifind that the initialization

script is not running

The problem of absolute path and relative path. switch relative path to absolute path.

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