Network Discovery

Test CaseDescriptionStatusOwnerDateJIRA linkComment
oom | install | network discoveryVerify that the Network Discovery service can be deployed using OOM.PASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource| accept the requestVerify that the Network Discovery service accepts and gets the data from enricherFAILDavid Stangl

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Functionally works but conformance to Swagger specification lacking. Being tracked outside story.
api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | optional X-ONAP-RequestIdVerify that the Network Discovery API allows requests even when X-ONAP-RequestId is not providedPASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | ParterName| Required parameterVerify that the Network Discovery API disallows requests when X-ONAP-PartnerName is not providedPASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | requestId| Required parameterVerify that the Network Discovery API disallows requests when requestId is not providedPASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | resource type| Required parameterVerify that the Network Discovery API disallows requests when resourcetype is not providedPASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | resourceIds| Required parameterVerify that the Network Discovery API disallows requests when resourceId is not providedPASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | notificationurl| Required parameterVerify that the Network Discovery API disallows requests when notification url  is not providedPASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | missing payloadVerify that the Network Discovery API returns an error when a request does not include a payload.PASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | Unsupported resource typeVerify that the Network Discovery API does not support unknown resource TypePASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | bad usernameVerify that the Network Discovery API disallows requests when the provided username is not correct.PASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

api | network-discovery | v1 | network | resource | bad usernameVerify that the Network Discovery API disallows requests when the provided password is not correct.PASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

loggingVerify that the Network Discovery Micro Service logs has appropriate information upon reception of a discovery request.PASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

swaggerVerify that the micro service API provides a swagger description of the API parameters, versions, etc.PASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

wiki | developer documentationVerify that the ONAP developer wiki has been updated with information regarding the Network Discovery service.PASS

SDNC-317 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Service Decomposition

Test CaseDescriptionStatusOwnerDateJIRA linkComment


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