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    • OOM Persistent Storage
    • Delay transfer of AAI Helm Chart ownership until after Mahendra Raghuwanshimerges patches for share Cassandra instance  OOM-1652 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Multi-site support conventions for HA applications (affinity, labels, etc)
    • Mike Elliott - Raise Story to resolve how to deal with runtime dependencies while also supporting debugging/CICD testing of individual components
    • Mike Elliott - number of patches waiting for merge by OOM

    Chat Messages

    From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) to Everyone: (10:06 AM)
additional agenda: notes from
    From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) to Everyone: (10:14 AM)
reviews - some are ready for merge off
    From Yang Xu to Everyone: (10:34 AM)
    From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) to Everyone: (10:41 AM)
right we need to accomidate the manifest override script

    From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) to Everyone: (10:47 AM)
these are only the deps defined in the yamls - a subset

    From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) to Everyone: (10:50 AM)
debug.enabled flag can drive the conditional dependencies - see aai dep on aaf there is a an if around the line - this could be the ref way of doing deps
topic: disable-dependencies root yaml flag

    From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) to Everyone: (10:53 AM)
dev flag only - as normally we deploy a component into a fully working system
topic: same dependencies for network traffic rules - used for dev
topic: dependency check is only on init - not later when a pod goes down

    From Michael O'Brien(Amdocs,LOG) to Everyone: (11:01 AM)
TOPIC: docker versioning proposal - int/orange team tomorrrow at 11