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    • "casablanca" branch - images missing
      • VID, DCAE, DMaaP (data-router dr node - expired certs), Policy, APPC (1 of 2)
      • Need to validate against 3.0.1-ONAP tag
      • Mike Elliott reach out to LF, TSC to understand why there are missing images
      • Orange validating daily deployments against "casablanca" branch
        • DMaaP (data-router dr node - expired certs)
    • Mike Elliott followup on progress of merge for DMaaP expired certs patch
    • How to merge manifest and override file for single solution?
      • release manifest - locked down images
      • staging manifest - running with LATEST tags - content that changes is unknown
      • if move form 1 image to 8 when architecture changes tough to track
      • the current thoughts are
        • introduce have multiple branches on oom repos (main and subrepos)
          • 1 for staged images
          • 1 for released images
        • or we educate development teams to don't break master!
          • part of the problem the multiple branches was trying to address is that dev teams do not know how to test their changes using OOM
          • need to educate dev teams on how and where they can use OOM to test helm charts
          • this includes integration testing between multiple teams using new docker images that have not yet been released (w/ helm chart image version updates)
          • how can OOM help educate? - dedicated one-on-one team training?
    • Mike Elliott communicate to on discuss list time for OOM weekly due to time change next week
      • required to not overlap with integration
    • Offline installer status
      • Casablanca offline installer working - seeing same cert expiry issue preventing health check for data-router
      • fixes being applied to "master" branch to support casablanca offline installer in Dublin
      • tickets being raised against project teams to better align with offline installer objectives
      • AAF-779 - certs pinned to 'onap' namespace
      • Mike Elliott to share with community the disabling of AAF integration for casablanca