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    • Pawel Baniewski AAF CMPv2 client integration to OOM
      • "AAF Team" needs to bootstrap init container and CMPv2 server container with certificates
      • Suggestion is to generate them using makefile and then deliver to container as secrets
    • Jack Lucas Gerrit review issue
      • The issue comes from SDC  which overrode their v1.8.0 container instead of releasing 1.8.1
      • Krzysztof Opasiak  already asked Ofir Sonsino yesterday to rollback this change
      • If there is no fix till Monday we will need to rise it at the PTL call
    • Jack Lucas Ingress controller
      • How to enable ingress in a single component?
      • There are 3 flags related to this:
        • ingress.enabled - local per component
        • global.ingress.enable - global ingress enable which overrides all ingress.enabled
        • ingress.enabledOverride - local per component which allows to override global flag
    • Rolling upgrade
      • Decided to start with common DBs instead of SDC
    • Ghanshyam Gupta Security tests
      • This should be discussed with the Integration Team not OOM