
  • dockerHub rate limit: Sylvain Desbureaux Krzysztof Opasiak Daniel Milaszkiewicz
    • limits are now in place on dockerhub
    • first, "simple" way: use as dockerhub proxy
      • simple configuration of docker daemon.json
      • issue (long term): for legal reason shouldn't redistribute dockerhub images. It may be stopped at any time
    • second,
  • guilin release: what's left: Sylvain Desbureaux
    • next week
    • containers left:
      • sdnc image on guilin to merge
      • msb?
    • version bump:
    • doc update + release note: done in the same review than version bump
    • tag on guilin when we release
    • after merge, quickly move ONAP version to 8.0.0
    • update component version the first time we change it
  • code review process: Lukasz Rajewski
  • platform helm charts: "pre" installation (PaaS): Pawel Baniewski Krzysztof Opasiak
    • H release:
      • add 3rd party software as PaaS (cert-manager, keycloak, ...)
      • platform charts (except cert-service) should be deployed __before__ ONAP real installation
        • how to achieve it?
          • do we move them from platform to kubernetes
          • on which ns?
          • do we use "common" templates?
        • proposal:
          • specific ns
          • ok for "common" templates but on separate for DB
          • clearly state (and document) on documentation what are the prerequisites for these components
      • other proposal:
        • do the same for contrib (different ns, ok for common, ...)
  • non root consul: Krzysztof Opasiak
    • 2 consul instances (onap and msb one)
      • msb is OK to non root
      • needs to be cherry picked on 'onap' consul (both agent and server)
  • service mesh: Krzysztof Opasiak Jakub Latusek
  • No labels