
  • Helm3 support: Sylvain Desbureaux
    • verify job for helm3 is working
    • gating:
      • Automatic installation of k8s with needed packages (postgresql and minio) is OK on AKS
      • Automatic installation of ONAP with helm3 (using postgresql) and k8s 1.18 + storage classes OK
      • Automatic launch of tests is mostly OK, should be good today or tomorrow
  • Quick status on gating / verify: Sylvain Desbureaux
    • helmv2 stable repo has changed its url
    • all verify job from helmv2 were failing and same for daily deployments
    • fixes have been merged
    • mariadb new deployment was failing once in a while because of slow start. a patch has been merged to tackle that.
  • New Mariadb template and dual stack environments (OOM-2661): Daniel Milaszkiewicz
    • using IPv4 address only of the 2 addresses is sufficient for us for now
  • DCAE next steps: Vijay Venkatesh Kumar
    • let's schedule for next week as first item
  • helm "official" repository: Sylvain Desbureaux
    • pushing to nexus using "release" process should work
    • need to be tested (this week?)
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Sylvain Desbureaux  -  I will join tomorrow meeting; will be good if we can cover REQ-479 topic first.  Attached the slides discussed in decemeber for reference. - ONAP_DCAE_TransformationProposal-OOM_Impact_12162020.pdf