JIRASloganPriorityProposed ByBrief Description

Support for the Postgres DatabaseHighEricsson

PDP geo redundancy/inter-cluster operation


Secure Connectivity for internal/external communication with RBAC and API Gateway


Backup/Restore of Database tables (incl Postgres)


Upgrade and Rollback (incl Postgres, Possibly beyond what is in Istanbul)


Control Loop Design Time component


Control Loop Enhancements


Apex policy simplification using pre-loaded or single-loaded policy-type-impl


Rethink the TOSCA Service Template containment in the DB

HighPF Project

DB Transactions at REST call levelHighPF Project

TOSCA Handling, allow update of TOSCA entities in DBHighPF Project

Database performance improvementsHighPF Project

Continue integration in CLAMP runtimeHighPF Project

Continue integration of Policy and CLAMP GUI(s)HighPF Project

TOSCA validationHighPF Project

Technical DebtHighPF Project

Support for Logging and auditing of operations


Support for Database Hardening, such as synchronization, failover etc when supported by DB layerMediumEricsson

Support for Policy Framework High AvailabilityMediumEricsson

PAP/API geo redundancy/inter-cluster operationMediumEricsson

PDP state backup and restoreMediumEricsson

Policy Framework GUI: Administration of Policies (Beyond what is coming in Istanbul?)MediumEricsson

Automated InstallationMediumEricsson

Performance benchmarking (Beyond what we do already?)MediumEricsson

Implementation of a reference use case (PoC) using TOSCA Control LoopMediumEricsson

Prometheus for statisticsMediumEricsson

Support for Multi-cluster DeploymentsMediumAT&T

Extensions to Prometheus metricsMediumAT&T

DB continued enhancements: migration, backup and restoreMediumAT&T

PDP-D: detection and recovery of dead sessions of drools applications in k8s environmentsMediumAT&T

Actor Model Extensions: Partial Success Outcomes for multiple targetsMediumAT&T

PDP-X: wildcard based configure actions in monitoring policiesMediumAT&T
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Ram Krishna Verma  and Jorge Hernandez, could you add your items on here?