Review Submission Date: TBD

Project Description

ONAP Command Line Interface (CLI) project provides ONAP commands required to perform ONAP operations from Linux or Web command console. It enables automation among ONAP operations like end-end service provisioning.

Project Landing Page:  Command Line Interface Project

Project Meeting Minutes: CLI meetings 

Leadership Resources


(must use @ macro )

Linux Foundation Login (LFID)

Email Address 
(if different from @ macro) 


Project & Release History

  • How long the project has been an active:  At launch
  • Release Participation:  All Releases except Frankfurt
  • Engagement levels for past releases (up to 3): 
    • Commits per Release:  see below
    • Contributors per Release: see below
    • Companies per release: see below

Statistics taken from Bitergia Bitergia

Use Cases:  All use cases for various releases supported by CLI listed here: 

  1. YAML based Command orchestration (Amsterdam)
  2. ONAP commands for performing various design and run-time operations (Beijing)
  3. The framework provided by CLI project had helped VNFSDK project to achive the VNF compliance check (Casablaca)
  4. End-End Automation (Dublin)
  5. VNF Lifecycle validation (ElAlto)
  6. Security and Vulerbaility improvements to Zero (0) count (Frankfurt)
  7. Test Automation (Guilin) 

Architecture Alignment

CLI is highlighted here

Artifact Information

Other Information

Code Coverage stats - CLI Sonar

CLI Bitergia (below was taken for last 90 days)

CLM : 0 Critical 

  • No labels


  1. This is not CLI Description.

  2. Feedback from user-67d6f - He will update the content on 7/20 and will trigger the TSC again accordingly

  3. user-67d6f

    Hi Catherine Lefevre I have updated the wiki with required details. Please let me know if any changes required. Thank you.

  4. user-67d6f - can you please explain why CLI did not participate in Frankfurt?  Also, has CLI had a review with the architecture subcommittee?  If so, when?  Thanks!

    1. Jason Hunt TSC approved the NO GO as documented in (v. 63) of Frankfurt Milestone Status (i.e. NO GO- no impact on use cases/requirements: CLI, HOLMES, LOGGING => Re-use El Alto containers except if any blocking issue are identified during the Frankfurt testing cycle by the Integration Team. Any other finding (security, non blocking issue) should be documented in the Frankfurt Release No