Review Submission Date: 07/09/2020

Project Description: 

DMaaP is a premier platform for high performing and cost effective data movement services that transports and processes data from any source to any target with the format, quality, security, and concurrency required to serve the business and customer needs.

DMaaP consists of three major functional areas:

1. Data Transport - the transport of data intra & inter data centers. The transport will support both file based and message based data movement. The Data Transport process needs to provide the ability to move data from any system to any system with minimal latency, guaranteed delivery and highly available solution that supports a self-subscription model that lowers initial cost and improves time to market.

2. Data Processing - the low latency and high throughput data transformation, aggregation, and analysis. The processing will be elastically scalable and fault-tolerant across data centers. The Data processing needs to provide the ability to process both batch and near real-time data.  

Project Landing Page:  DMaaP – Data Movement as a Platform (5/16/17)

Project Meeting Minutes: DMaaP Meeting Minutes

Leadership Resources :


(must use @ macro )

Linux Foundation Login (LFID)

Email Address 
(if different from @ macro)




Bhanu Ramesh

Project & Release History

  • How long the project has been an active:  Active since Amsterdam and participated in all releases
  • Release Participation:  All ONAP releases
  • Engagement levels for past releases (up to 3): 
    • Commits per Release: 
    • Contributors per Release: 
    • Companies per release: 
  • Use Cases:  Bulk PM     

Bitergia Statistics from the Last 2 Years

Architecture Alignment:

Artifact Information:

        DMaaP MessageRouter release notes and artifacts

        DMaaP DataRouter  release notes and artifacts

        DMAAP BusController release notes artifacts


DMaaP is a data/message exchanging platform that is used by various ONAP projects to exchange data feeds and messages/events at runtime. Any operator choosing to use core ONAP functionality will use one or more DMaaP components to exchange data/messages.

Other Information:

Code Coverage:

Links to CII Badging level

DMaaP MR -

DMaaP BC -

DMaaP DR -

  • No labels


  1. Can you provide some infirmation about test coverage ?

  2. Great content Mandar Sawant

    Can we also add the link of CII Badging Level as part of this assessment? thank you


    • Try to promote contributors (when they are knowledgeable) to committers to extend company diversity
  3. Thanks Mandar Sawant

    Can you provide any information on deployment/use of DMaaP by operators or others?

    I share Catherine's comments on committer diversity.

  4. Catherine Lefevre Jason Hunt Eric Debeau

    Added links to CII Badging

    Added Usage section to provide overall usage information

    Test coverage screenshot available

    Recommendation noted.