This template should be filled out for any project wishing to move to the "Mature" phase of the ONAP project lifecycle. It should be copied under the Project Maturity Reviews page & completed.  Once complete, the requestor should send the link to the onap-tsc mailing list to initiate the maturity review.  Further information: Project Lifecycle State Reviews

FYI, per the ONAP Technical Community Document, the metrics for maturity review are:

Successful participation in releases: The project demonstrates stable output (code base, documents) within its history of releases in accordance with the release policy.

Architecture has been reviewed by the Architecture Committee

Project is active and contributes to ONAP: The project demonstrates a stable or increasing number of contributions across recent releases. Contributions are commits which got merged to a repository of an ONAP project or a related upstream project. Commits can for example be patches to update the requirements document of a project, code addition to an ONAP or upstream project repository, new test cases and so forth.

Mature artifacts produced: The project demonstrates that the artifacts produced by the project are deployable (where applicable) and have been successfully deployed, configured and used by end users (typically, service providers).

Project Name:

Project Description:

  • MultiCloud project is to adapt ONAP orchestration workflow to different infrastructures providers including but not limited to OpenStack and its different distributions, public and private clouds, and COE (Container Orchestration Engine, e.g. kubernetes), CDI (composible Disaggregate Infrastructures), etc. by providing a mediation layer between ONAP and underlying infrastructures.
  • It enables the discovery and registration of infrastructure resource information into ONAP to support optimized homing and placement.
  • It relays FCAPS from infrastructure to ONAP as part of control loop .

Leadership Resources :

Project & Release History

  • How long the project has been an active:  At launch
  • Release Participation:  All ONAP releases
  • Engagement levels for past releases (up to 3): 
    • Commits per Release:  
    • Contributors per Release: 
    • Companies per release: 

Use Case Participation

The key use cases that the MultiCloud project has contributed to are the following:







k8s based cloud region/CNF orchestration PoC

Bitergia Statistics from the Last 2 Years

Statistics taken from Bitergia :

Architecture Alignment:

Last Architecture Review was for Frankfurt  with the results posted here: ARC Multi-Cloud Component Description - Frankfurt

Artifact Information:

MultiCloud is divided to a common set framework services and a set of  plugins which adapt to underlying Cloud/VIM respectively.

  • onap/multicloud/framework
  • onap/multicloud/framework-artifactbroker
  • onap/multicloud/azure
  • onap/multicloud/openstack-windriver
  • onap/multicloud/openstack-pike
  • onap/multicloud/openstack-starlingx
  • onap/multicloud/k8s
  • onap/multicloud/vio
  • onap/multicloud/openstack-fcaps

Adoption by operators

  • China Mobile

Other Information:

ONAP MultiCloud has had topics and demo's at the ONAP Developer events. Here is a list of recent demo's:

  • No labels


  1. With the work being done on CNFO, having a direct K8S interface from SO (R7 Guilin (AR-0025-R7-052020) Architecture Review CNFO - functional requirements), could you elaborate on the future need of MultiCloud for K8S environments. It looks like there is some redundancy here.

    1. I am not sure the exact mean of "direct K8S interface from SO",  that requirement demands multicloud k8s plugin which is part of multicloud project. So I think when you are referring to "multicloud" you are talking about multicloud broker? From arch point of view, SO can interract with k8s plugin directly or via multicloud broker which is recommended to decouple the consumer from specific plugin implementation.

      1. Thanks for clarifying. I now understand there is only one K8S plugin. I was worried we might be creating two of those.

      2. yes. that is accurate.  There is only one K8s plugin.  Today, it is being called from Multi-Cloud broker. In R7, the goal is to call K8s plugin APIs directly from SO.  Intention there is to create a glue module that exposes VNFM API and uses K8s plugin internally.

  2. Can you provide some information about test coverage ?

    1. the test coverage for all multicloud component is above 55% except multicloud-azure component:

  3. Hi Bin Yang- thanks for the writeup.  Can you comment on any deployment/use of MultiCloud by operators or others?  Thanks!

    1. Jason Hunt  Though I have heard many operators/SIs had evaluated multicloud, I have no accurate information about the deployment/use of multicloud . I knew that China Mobile has adopt MultiCloud components since Beijing Release. Hope it helps, Thanks