201760808: SDC Distribution client AID

SDC supports two sets of REST API calls:


this API's are provided to applications external to SDC who want retrieve/add/modify/delete items in the SDC catalog.
the REST API uses basic authentication to validate that the rest calls are from authorized users.

to generate, a consumer for accessing SDC see link: Consumer creation

SDC external API AID:



SDC external API Swagger

SDC access swagger on the server:

SDC provides a large set of internal REST API's, this API's are used by the SDC UI.
internal API calls are authenticated by the user header provided in the rest call.
each user in the system has a role, based on this role the API will check if the operation is permitted or not and what data needs to be returned.

internal API AID: TBD

internal API Swagger: http://<sdcIp>:8080/sdc2/rest/swagger.json

  • No labels


  1. Onboarding API documentation is missing : to onboard new licence model and to onboard new VSP.

  2. since this is not an external API it is not documented in the same way as the external API.

    part of what we deploy is a swagger war which is part of the be docker.

    Tal Halfon can you please send me an explanation on accessing the swagger war you build.

    René ROBERT perhaps you can fill in the data on this page regarding access to the catalog swagger?

    1. Hi Michael,

      Do you know where can get the SDC swagger docker which includes onboard new license mode api and etc? Or even a postman collection could be fine.

  3. hi,

    we have two types of swagger the onboarding provides a swagger war that can be accessed in the sdc docker. the sdc provides swagger for our external apis only.

    what exactly do you want to access?

    1. I was looking for onboarding rest api doc like create license mode, etc and I've got a postman collection about that last week. (smile)

      It's good to know that we can access the swagger page in sdc docker which I haven't tried yet since I don't know link of that.

  4. Hi HK,

    You should navigate to http://<IP>:8080/api-docs/ - there you will get the onboarding swagger UI.

    Let me know if you have questions.


  5. Michael Lando, is the external Catalog API doc updated? There seems to be a newer version of the external API. Can looking at the SDC SWAGGER page be a better idea? Is so, maybe this page should be deprecated, or at least be linking to the newer one.

  6. Upload Artifact:  md5 checksum needs to be base64 encoded after creating the MD5 hash of the body

  7. Are there any changes to api in casablanca or dublin? Can these documents be uploaded?