Topic: SO weekly meeting

Time: 8/05/2019 (IST 7:00 pm / EST 9:30 am / PST 6:30 am / 9:30 pm China Time):

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1.       SO preparedness for El-Alto release - Brainstorming

a.       Security

                                 i.      OJSI issues (60 days) – OJSI-110, OJSI-138, OJSI-169, OJSI-203

                                 ii.      Java 11 upgrade

                                 iii.      Alpine version preparedness

                                 iv.      CII Badging gates, reviews and answers

                                 v.      …

b.      Documentation

                                 i.      Key points for improvement

                                 ii.      …

c.       CSIT

                                 i.      Discussion points from the DDF

                                 ii.      The places to start from

                                  iii.      …

2.       Technical Debt – To brainstorm on the non-functional aspects

i.       Breaking the repos to M/Ss (Effort and manpower availability).

ii.      Improve the current SO  build time by dividing the builds to the corresponding pods.

iii.       Javadocs (added for the key flows – starting point).



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