


Discussion items

50 min

BBS Use Case

Overview & Discussion

 3 min

Deferral of 5G PNF

Software Upgrade U/C

 Separate U/C in 5G for NetConf Configuration. This has not changed, and it is progressing.

Ulas Kozat What will be the effort need to for PNF S/W upgrade? If provided developer support from Huawei, could this still be done in R4?

one thing is the technical solution wi/ the controller. If NetConf support is there, maybe take a shortcut to show support, for R5, develop a clean version.

Follow-up in the S/W Upgrade Meeting. Showcase something "small step" in R4? DG support, NetConf yang in place needed.

What is the bottleneck? Is it developer support?

Chaker Al-Hakim Disconnect? Expectations?

We are past the M1 Milestone Deadline, if we want to do something with PNF S/W Upgrade

Dublin Release Requirements

3 min

Update of 5G U/C realization "Tags" and

U/C Cross-Index Spreadsheet

Benjamin Cheung

Supporting Documents


Latest U/C Cross-Interaction

Spreadsheet w/ A&AI impacts



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