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Meetings of the ONAP Project involve participation by industry competitors,  and it is the intention of the Project to conduct all of its activities in accordance  with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely  important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of and not  participate in any activities that are prohibited under applicable U.S. state,  federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws. Examples of types of actions  that are prohibited at ONAP Project meetings and in connection with ONAP  Project activities are described in the The Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy. If  you have questions about these matters, please contact your company  counsel or Andrew Updegrove, of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which  provides legal counsel to The Linux Foundation. Linux Foundation Antitrust



Trevor Lovett

Junfeng Wang

Oskar Malm

Agenda and Minutes

Agenda ItemNotesAction Items
Reminder: Add VES label to all VNFRQTS stories related to VES.  

Open Gerrit Reviews
  • 108418 : Splitting NF reqt from VES spec
  • 108417 : Initial VES 7.2 Event Listener Spec

Progress Update on Assigned Stories
  1. VNFRQTS-843 - Resolve Ownership and Location of VES Schemas

    1. No Change - will address when we have a schema to publish
  2. VNFRQTS-842- Resolve 3GPP Alignment of Listener IPs

    1. Single Endpoint is OK with rotating IPs.  Should be addressed in review 108418
  3. VNFRQTS-813 - Rationalize VES Event Listener Spec and VNF Monitoring Requirements

    1. Review open - most comments addressed
  4. VNFRQTS-812 - Resolve VES Spec Issues Related to Other Protocols

    1. Five collectors are supported by DCAE and will need to be in the requirements
      1. VES
      2. RESTConf is supported (not VES) -
      3. Google Protobuf collector is supported.  It is VES-like, but not officially VES.  The Protobuf would need to be updated to be in sink with every change of VES.  We'll start documenting it as an option for monitoring, and consider it as an official VES option.  Additional work would be needed in DCAE to make it fully compatible with VES.
      4. SNMP should be added as an option
      5. SFTP/FTPES Collector for bulk files (looking at if SFTP will be kept in Guilin)
        1. Nokia would like to keep SFTP, concern was raised by Seccom team.   
  5. VNFRQTS-887 - Addressed as part of review 108418

  6. VNFRQTS-885 - will be addressed after merging 108418 review

Guilin Release Planning 

Release Not Assigned

Guilin Stories


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