Meeting Logistics

Meeting DayMeeting TimeConference Bridge
Fridays 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

ZOOM Conference Bridge

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    Meeting ID: 454 599 760

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Meeting Attendees

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda ItemsNotes


  • Chris would like to get a status report from each sub-area lead
Review open action items
Moving Repos (Gildas)
Moving Wiki contentOpen-O Wiki has been exported and uploaded as files to VNF SDK Legacy Artifacts
JIRA Release Tracking (Gildas)
Subteam status
  • Modeling (Andy Mayer)
    • Team is on target. There will be some cross project coordination needed.
  • Marketplace (Weitao Gao)
    • Need to discuss with SDC on overlaps and then update the status to this team.
  • Validation Tools (Murali Mohan Murthy Potham)
    • There is a considerable overlap with SDC. This is creating a block. What is the status of the VNF validation project? Chris described the differences between this project and VNF Validation Project. What is meant by tool in this context?
  • Package Tools (Lianhao Lu)
    • Starting to investigate dependencies.
  • Compliance
    • Place for ICE tools once they get scanned (delayed)
  • Documentation
    • Will be needed for R1
Communication Tools
  • Could we use Atlassian's HipChat (Alex), or should we use IRC Channel (Chris)?
  • Sounds like the team is up for trying out HipChat

Define First Sprint (Tina Tsou)

  • Need input from sub-team leads (See action items from last week)
  • Need estimates

Action Items

  • Alexander Vul will create a tarball from Open-O to move content to ONAP.  This includes moving Wiki Content over.  Brian already moved the Use Cases (page) over.
  • Chris Donley will check on the status of the Package Tool repo.
  • Chris Donley will investigate blocks with SDC.
  • Chris Donley will look into getting access to HipChat for project communication.
  • Chris Donley will check with Andy on him attending the Modeling project on behalf of VNF SDK.

Meeting Recording

Meeting Contributions

  File Modified
PDF File ONAP Release TrackingV1.pdf Jul 21, 2017 by Gildas Lanilis
PNG File image2017-7-21_7-19-8.png Jul 21, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
PDF File NFVSOL(17)000435r3_Draft_presentation_on_VNF_Packaging__SOL004_.pdf Jul 21, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Market Place@ONAP.pptx Jul 21, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom