Meeting Logistics

Meeting DayMeeting TimeConference Bridge
Fridays 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

ZOOM Conference Bridge

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    Meeting ID: 454 599 760

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Meeting Attendees

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda ItemsNotes

Less than a week away from the release!

Confidence vote on Monday with continued integration testing.

TSC agreed to branch (master = Beijing, branch for Amsterdam that will be merged into M1 Beijing). There will be one planned maintenance release for Amsterdam (targeted for mid-January).

RC2 Milestone Update

Cleared RC2. Binaries are in and moved to release directory.

Incorporated feedback from the documentation team.

Review open action items from previous meetings

VES Collector Binaries in Nexus (GOKUL SINGARAJU)

Making progress on Jenkins, but more work needs to be done. This will be needed ASAP.

Sprint 8 Progress

  • Modeling subteam (Andy Mayer)
  • Marketplace subteam (Weitao Gao)
    • Image repo: Discussed with SDC. Package and image are very similar. Images required during run time. Prefer another component handle this at run time. Which component is not yet decided. This could be a new project. Move this discussion to the ARC committee.
  • Validation Tools subteam (Murali Mohan Murthy Potham)
    • SDC Integration: Still not finalized the SDC interfaces; would push to next release.
    • Workaround is to pull them in manually
  • Package Tools subteam (Lianhao Lu)
    • No issues
  • Compliance (Alok Gupta)
  • Documentation (Chris Donley)
    • In good shape. Documents have been uploaded. Got feedback from Greg on a few tweaks to the release notes, and changes were incorporated.
Any R1 blockers or open issues that need to be addressed?


R2 planning

See new items added to the Wiki page.

Request team to add user stories to JIRA backlog. At that point we can assign an owner.

Status of VNF SDK Topic Submissions for December Developer Forum

Chris and Linhao both submitted a proposal. Neither have heard back. Wait for confirmation from Kenny.

Chris looking to setup a private meeting with VNFRQTS and VPP for cross project coordination. Should also include SDC.

Meeting Recording

    • Video Recording:
    • Audio Only Recording:

Action Items


Meeting Contributions

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