Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


                Validation needs to be configured (default – enabled and can be disabled) - DONE -  

            a. Run it as standalone tool -  so that it can be run with the given input and generate helm chart package.


                           tool parameters are Input template directory and output as tar -DONE  

2. Separate Values.yaml into separate templates and verify dynamic values.yaml generation (and parameter substitution


Refer Sample Chart Yaml mapping from component spec and Sample Values yaml mapping from component spec in the requirements document.

Outstanding - 06/01/2021


stream_publish/stream_subscribe handle as string; change VES spec and test 


readiness mapping  Include PORT/initialdelaySeconds into auxillary.healthcheck on component spec schema as optional parameter for mapping into readiness check

Image Modified


globalNodeportPrefix - make default from base template. (It should be already supported)

3. Identify Component-spec schema changes for ENV setting mapping  (refer REQ #1 below) DONE -  

  •    - Spec schema sample to be added under REQ1 section and also updated component spec schema file - Nick
  •    - Verify if the service configuration can be supported as list under common/service - Vijay Venkatesh Kumar

List is not supported in current common/service template

4. Identify Component-spec schema changes for Service mapping (and nodeport) (refer REQ #7 below) DONE -  

  •  Spec schema sample to be added under REQ1 section and also updated component spec schema file; submit to gerrit with new updates (including #2, #3, #4) 


55. Build helm chart generator taking as inputs template directory and template list file to be used for chart generation and perform lint for consolidated charts. - No longer applicable; based on design  


6. Support MAPPING requirement – ENV SETTING (refer REQ #1 for details) - DONE -  1.0.0

Schema Validation to be integrated - tracked separately under task #24

7. Support MAPPING requirement – CMPv2 Certificates (refer REQ #3 for details)  - Target 06/24 

Include support for base + addon chart structure (certificate.yaml will be optional)  - DONE 

Add validation if enabled in spec and certificate.yaml not provided - tool must error - switch to use use_external_tls/flag  - DONE  1.3.2flag  

8. Support MAPPING requirement – Postgres (refer REQ #5 for details) - Target 06/30 DONE  1.3.2 

9. Support MAPPING requirement – Policy Sidecar (refer REQ #4  for details)  Target 06/17  DONE  

 Format written out into values.yaml not as expected

Test completed  on 1.3.6

10. Support 10. Support SERVICE MAPPING based on spec file (refer REQ #7 for details)   - DONE -  1.0.0

Schema Validation to be integrated - tracked separately under task #24

11. Support MAPPING requirement – ConfigMap support (refer REQ #2 for details)  Target 06/30   DONE  1.3.2 

12. Support MAPPING requirement – DMAAP Secure Topic/Feed (refer REQ #6 for details)


21. Secret mapping requirement TBD and pv mapping  - Vijay Venkatesh Kumar - Target 06/30  REQ DONEmapping  

      - CMPv2 + application_env


       Option 2: Have tool set the secret name as <component-name>-cmpv2-keystore-password   -  Current chosen option  - Target   - DONE - option  

22. Support chart generation as directory (instead of tgz) via configuration (added on  )configuration 

23. Support dependency download (helm dep up) from repo/access based on deployment configration (added on  )

24. Add schema validator module; keep the schema definiton overriddable (either through CI or api parameter); this should be configurable  - default enabled (added on   based on svc mapping test)  - COMPLETED   

           - default schema to be included in tool (optional override support) -  Target by  - Nick

           - validation NPE for schema missing (pick up from resource folder) - 1.3.6  - OPEN 

           -  Update gerrit with latest spec schema (initialdelayseconds = integer)

           - Add wrapper class to consolidate the error - Dhrumin (moved to task #30)

           - Trial with different version  - Target by  - Nick








    Current library

25. Testing with ONAP spec files on ONAP lab with componen-spec (ves, pm-mapper, dfc, tcagen2, hv-ves, prh) Sivakumar Santharam ONGOING

               Running the tool requires following



32. Syncup latest oom/templates under repo:test/blueprintsblueprint

33. Include policyRelease: "onap" for policysidecar config and remove dcaePolicySyncImage

34. Support for helm generator cli input based on flags (instead of order)TEST ISSUES TRACKED UNDER  JiraserverONAP JiraserverId425b2b0a-557c-3c0c-b515-579789cceedbkeyDCAEGEN2-2839


