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DateAttendeesAgenda / Notes


  • Software Status
    • 4 People involved in documentation using group reviews of generated HTML
    • Logging and monitoring admin guide done by user-4e793 for CPS Temporal will be moved to CPS-Core and made generic by Luke Gleeson 
    • Jira
      serverONAP Jira
      Renu Kumari wil investigate option. Stakeholder want clear separation between 'client' and 'internal' interfaces. Although both need to be available for publication, just different target audiences. Preferred Internal interface pre-fix is /ncmpDmi
  • Discuss adding CM-Handle for SDN-R (network Slicing) with Ahila P 
    • Proposal for SDN-R integration by: SDN-R Feature for adding cm-handle
    • Toine Siebelink clarified that instead of Async flow steps 2&3 a 'temporary' sync option is available right now on DMI-Plugin. Toine wil mail specification links to Ahila
    • Steps 4 & 5 are also already developed and test in Jakarta using SDN-C. These might need to be tested in SND-R environment.
    • CPS teams prefers NOT to have a third option for adding CM Handles. Instead we agreed on the following possible evolution path:
      1. SDN-R use synchronous method delivered in release I, mentioned above (can be done now)
      2. SDN-R publishes event of the same schema and same topic as  A&AI does. This CPS delivering the relevant event based API in J which is currently being planned , see
        serverONAP Jira
      3. eventually, post Jakarta, both SDN-R wil use the current A&AI event based interfaces
    • At any stage Topic and or Event bus provide could be made configurable as long as te event schema stays the same


  • Software Status
  • Release Planning: CPS R10 Release Planning  Oskar Malm gave an overview of all the items listed for Jakarta. Priorities still need to be finalized.
    (see also time plan on Release Planning: Jakarta)
  • A.O.B. 
    • Ahila P would like to discuss a proposal from E2E Slicing regarding the registration of SDN-R handled nodes with DMI possibly using a (new) dMaaP Topic. She will schedule a meeting to follow this up.


  • Istanbul demo
    • Model Sync
    • Read pass-through datastores
    • Write  pass-through datastore
    • CPS Temporal
  • Jakarta Roadmap
  • Branching Strategy
    • team agreed not to cerate I branch until we need to deliver Jakarta specific functionality or affect stability i.e. interface split
  • CSIT Improvements
    • aditya puthuparambil  started discussion re. CSIT testing with Morgan Richomme to include in CPS CSIT in OOM build. Not yet clear how exactly this will work (in Jakarta) Aditya will follow up

    • Team wil continue to deliver CSIT test as planned for Istanbul using current process/framework


  • Istanbul Demo by Joseph Keenan and Rahul Tyagi 
    • Some feedback on Demo
      • Show explain (local) deployment/docker view first
      • No need to mount node during demo (prerequisite)
      • Execute query on (target) Node before it is added (show failure on registration)
      • Add dummy model (not DMI Registration) to showcase write use case and possible diff between  datastore 'running' and 'operational' (config true/ all)
      • optional: demo sync 2nd node with same models, 3rd node with 1 additional model
      • GREAT DEMO! really cool to see all Istanbul work in action!
  • Software Status
    • aditya puthuparambil experimenting with installing Python 3 for CSIT test (new Jira to be added). This might make  
      serverONAP Jira
      redundant (low priority J release)
    • Jira
      serverONAP Jira
      has been re-opened! Rahul Tyagi will work on it


  • Software Status
    Shiva Subedi will hand over/work with Luke Gleeson and Renu Kumari (if needed) on
    serverONAP Jira

    Shiva Subedi will hand over/work with aditya puthuparambil  on
    serverONAP Jira
  • Jakarta Planning
    • passthrough-running read uses-case are completed bar a demo (incl. config/non-config filter options)
    • Toine Siebelink will create new user stories for passtrough-running write uses case: Replace, Delete & Patch.  On story for each component NCMP / DMI Plugin


DateZoom Recording




