Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Files (optional; Images, Licenses and Artifacts directories can be located under the root directory)
    • Images
      • <image>
      • <image>
    • Licenses
      • LICENSE.txt
    • Artifacts
      • Deployment
        • HELM             //Requirement REQUIREMENT #<>: use the "HELM" directory to contain Helm Charts
          • <Helm Chart file>        
          • <Helm Chart file>
  • Scripts
    • <script> file


SDC creates VSP CSAR file for App Package Onboarding

  • TOSCA-Metadata
    • TOSCA.meta:
      • It is generated by SDC, and
      • SDC copies the following metadata and drops other custom
      metadata will be not copied to here.
      • metadata 
      • REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC copies the ASD-Entry-Definitions metadata from the onboarding App package.  note: it is under discussion


TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0

CSAR-Version: 1.1

Created-By: ASDC Onboarding portal

Entry-Definitions: Definitions/main_app_template.yaml

ASD-Entry-Definitions: Definitions/f5main_FWapp_cnftemplate.yaml

  • Definitions (generated by SDC)f5_FW_cnf: SDC generates this directory based on the onboarding App package directory
    • Note: it is under discussion if we use the existing ONAP internal models after mapping from the ASD model, or put the ASD model separately. The second case will impact the existing ONAP runtime components, such as AAI, SDNC and others.
    • Note: the mapping between ASD and ONAP internal model is under discussion: 
      • ASD ↔ ONAP VF
      • DeploymentItems ↔ VF-Modules

    • main_app_template.yaml
    • GlobalSubstitutionTypesServiceTemplate.yaml.            //
  • include asd_types.yaml
    • REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC generates this by including the information
    •  onap (TBD)
      • _index.yml
      • artifacts.yml
      • capabilities.yml
      • data.yml
      • interfaces.yml
      • nodes.yml
      • relationships.yml
    • onapecomp                                // TBD
      • _index.yml
      • artifacts.yml
      • capabilities.yml
      • data.yml
      • interfaces.yml
      • nodes.yml
      • relationships.yml
    • openecomp-heat                       //
  • TBD
    • REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC does not use this directory for the App Package
      • _index.yml
      • data.yml
      • groups.yml
      • nodes.yml
    •  tosca
      • _index.yml
      • artifacts.yml
      • capabilities.yml
      • data.yml
      • groups.yml
      • interfaces.yml
      • nodes.yml
      • policies.yml
      • relationships.yml
  • Artifacts (copy into this): REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC generates this directory by copying artifacts from the onboarding App package
    • Definitions
      • f5main_FWapp_cnftemplate.yaml
    • Deployment: REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC preserves the original onboarding App package 
      • APP
      • AS_PACKAGE.              // copy of the original AS package
    • Images: REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC should be able to handle large-size image files. SDC stores the image files to the Kubernetes Object Storage temporarily and waits for the Runtime Catalog Manager picks up and stores the images files to the Image repository.  
      • <image>
      • <image>
    • Informational
      • <Guide>
        • VSP_f5_Information.txt
    • LcmScripts
      • <scripts>
    • Licenses
      • LICENSE.txt
    • TOSCA-Metadata: REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC preserves the original onboarding TOSCA.metadata
      • TOSCA.meta.original
    • ChangeLog.txt
    • vendor-license-model.xml (not sure how SO uses)
    • vf-license-model.xml (not sure how SO uses)


Create VF CSAR file - an OLD way; not used for the ASD

  • TOSCA-Metadata (generated by SDC)REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC generates TOSCA-Metadata directory and TOSCA.meta
    • TOSCA.meta
  • Definitions: REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC maps the onboarding ASD models into the ONAP internal. Note: mapping is under discussion.
    • artifacts.yml
    • capabilities.yml
    • data.yml (if mapping, extra date types will be here)
    • groups.yml
    • interfaces.yml
    • nodes.yml (add ASD nodes)
    • policies.yml
    • relationships.yml
    • resource-<...>-template.yml. (represent ASD) REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC generates this based on the onboarding ASD model
    • resource-<...>-template-interface.yml (represent ASD)yml REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC generates this based on the onboarding ASD model
  • Artifacts
    • Deployment: REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC preserves the original onboarding App package and additional License files thru SDC UI
      • AS_PACKAGE (original)
      • VF_LICENSE
    • Informational
      • OTHER
        • VSP_f5_Information.txt
  • csar.meta
  • Files. (missing from SDC****; Its handling is under discussion)
    • Images
      • <image>
      • <image>

Create VF CSAR file thru the SDC Multi Model Way.       // Propose to use for the AS Package Onboarding

  • TOSCA-Metadata
    • TOSCA.meta REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC generates TOSCA-Metadata directory and TOSCA.meta
  • DefinitionsREQUIREMENT #<>: for the Multi Model way, SDC does not use ONAP internal model. Note: impact to the existing ONAP components are under discussion.
    • artifacts.yml
    • capabilities.yml
    • data.yml
    • groups.yml
    • interfaces.yml
    • nodes.yml
    • policies.yml
    • relationships.yml
    • asd_types.yaml.                            // instead of using ONAP type definitions, support the ASD model specific definitions are included
    • resource-<...>-template.yml.       // REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC UI modifies onboarding ASD for changing the default values
    • resource-<...>-template-interface.yml.  // REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC UI modifies onboarding ASD for changing the default values.
  • Artifacts
    • Deployment
      • AS_PACKAGE
        • AS_<...>DataTypes.csar
        • vendor-license-model.xml


    • Informational
      • OTHER
        • VSP_f5_Information.txt
  • csar.meta

Create Service CSAR file

  • TOSCA-Metadata REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC generates TOSCA-Metadata directory and TOSCA.meta
    • TOSCA.meta
  • Definitions. REQUIREMENT #<>: SDC maps the onboarding ASD models into the ONAP internal. Note: mapping is under discussion
    • annotations.yml
    • artifacts.yml
    • capabilities.yml
    • data.yml
    • groups.yml
    • interfaces.yml
    • nodes.yml
    • policies.yml
    • relationships.yml
    • asd_types.yaml.                            // instead of using ONAP type definitions, support the ASD model specific definitions are included; TBD
    • resource-<...>-template-inteface.yml (came from VF)
    • resource-<...>-template.yml
    • service-<...>-template-interface.yml
    • service-<...>-template.yml. (put input parameters, additional properties...)
  • Artifacts
    • Resources
      • <VF-name>
        • Deployment //REQUIREMENT #<>: use the "HELM" directory to contain Helm Charts
          • HELM
            • <helm files>
  • csar.meta