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Meeting Minutes 

Table of Contents

Meeting Minutes - 1/20/2021

Key Questions: 

#1 What does ONAP offer to an enterprise customer (IoT, Financial, Healthcare, Gaming, etc) that we can't get from existing cloud offers or outside the Cloud.

#2 What does ONAP offer on top of that outside of the telco space?

Different Scenarios

1) 3rd party vendors using ONAP to serve their enterprise customers (operating model - managed services)


3) Enterprise customers running ONAP themselves (on their premises), supported/trained by 3rd party vendors

Additional thought(s)

#1 Investigate what Openstack is offering to Enterprise Business?


#5 Kick-off a survey to get feedback about interest and use cases

Meeting Minutes (LFN Event) - 2/2/2021

Meeting Minutes - 2/17/2021 

  • Review action items from LFN Event
  • Importance
    • to rebrand ONAP and its components outside the "Network" domain
    • to be able using ONAP components independently
    • to demonstrate with some real cases ONAP components with other systems/applications (not CNF, PNF, VNF)
    • to use ONAP (or a subset of ONAP) as a black box


Meeting Minutes - 3/3/2021 

  • Suggestion to reschedule this meeting on Wednesday at 7am PST (to be discussed on 3/4 during the next ONAP TSC)
  • Creation of a new EUAG (End User Advisory Group) dedicated to Enterprise Businesss (under preparation) - LFN Board to be voted on March 24th, 2021
    • Kenny will provide criteria to be part of this new EAUG (not company membership) but people involved in deployment, design, implementation, etc. 
    • Open beyond "carriers" 
  • Intro about DARPA Program with Trudy Morgan (Cloud Computing Expert)
    • Focus on 5G Network Security
    • 4 years program
    • E2E Open Source 5G Network across the US
    • ONAP Added-Values: ONAP for Orchestration including Network Slicing, AI/ML/DL
    • Mostly all the components are open source components except RAN part
    • Some ONAP pages about Network Slicing
    • SDOs: ETSI, 3GPP
    • Current status:
      •  Amar Kapadia(representing LFN/ONAP Community) is currently setup an ONAP test-bed to demonstrate E2E Network Slicing capabilities
      • Lab currently open but required VPN connection, located in San Diego

Meeting Minutes - 3/17/2021 @7am PST

  • 5G Super Blueprint
  • Discussion about ONAP/ODA Integration
    • How ONAP could improve/build Network Service Visualization/Customer Facing Service (CFS)?
    • Currently Network Slicing activities are trying to work on this area 
    • TAC Whitepaper is in progress
      • Additional information about CSMF
      • What are CSMF functionalities supported by ONAP today?
      • Will ONAP support any CFS capability?

Meeting Minutes - 3/31/2021 @7am PST 

  • Trudy Morgan : Present first ONAP/OPS-5G use cases 
    • 5 year effort - all work being done in the LF. Work will be up-stream w/o forking code
    • NIWC: Naval Information Warfare Center 
    • Research project - all work is unclassified.
    • Deck presented today: OPS 5G Use Case.pdf 


  • 5G Super Blueprint Roadmap is also considering the OPS 5G program inputs.
  • Goal is to use as much OSS as possible, but may need commercial solutions initially in areas that are less OSS mature like RAN i.e. 5UE, Commercial gNB
  • From a testing perspective, the goal is to us Nationwide network to enhance DoD ability to test 5G Core security (Multisite OPS 5G Joint Independent Testing Option) but it will also dependent on Magma deployment model.
  • ONAP capabilities to support this program:
    • Orchestrate/Instantiate and Magma Orchestrator (instead of SO)
    • ONAP Network Slicing functionalities
    • LCM
    • Control Loop mechanisms (including ONAP/Acumos)
    • Akraino/ONAP Blueprint
  • Believe that we need to be proactive on this
  • Would like Aarna to provide a regular update on progress to this team.  Set aside the first 5-10 mins of every meeting for that purpose.
  • Need to make sure that standard process workflow is followed for feeding requirements into the community
  • ONAP Enterprise Task Force will be the first entry point for OPS 5G program supported by the Requirements, Architecture and Security subcommittee representatives.

Meeting Minutes - 4/14/2021 @7am PST 

  • Latest ONAP/OPS 5G updates from Amar Kapadia
    • ONAP/Magma discussions on April 8th - Deep Dive about ONAP
    • Current understanding is that we could use REST API (northbound ITF) or Mesh


Magma Core Orch is decsribed here

Meeting Minutes - 4/28/2021 @7am PST 

  • Feedback from Swaminathan Seetharaman about future scope/functionalities/roadmap supported by CSMF (Communication Service Management Function)


Meeting Minutes - 5/12/2021 @7am PST 


Catherine Lefevre will submit a proposal - details will be defined later with the Task Force. Key Speakers (TBC): Byung-Woo JunPrabhjot Singh Sethi.

Meeting Minutes - 5/26/2021 @7am PST 

  • Review of the integration with Magma Controller/GWs
    • Code updated for AWS environments and is how available.
    • Up and running with 2 deployments
    • fully containerized GW planned for v1.6 ( ~4 weeks out)
    • discussion this week and next should have sufficient content for the DTF
    • standard SDC/SO/Multicloud model  should be able to be used.
    • potential for SDNC or CDS might be able to be used later - TBD
    • Possibility of plug-n-play model to be used for AGW - something to look at
    • Installing the access GW automatically would be valuable
    • existing Magma baremetal upgrade model installs as a new package or collection of packages
    • For ONAP assumption of initial deployments are PNF and time permitting then on CNF
    • Suggestion to have a meeting next week at the same time with a smaller group. (TAC conflict noted)
  • Information about Magma Security requirements @Arun Thulasi
  • DTF Event in June - 2021-06-DD - ONAP TSC Task Force: ONAP For Enterprise Business
    • Is the slot OK i.e. Tue Jun 8 2021, 16:30 - 17:30 CET/10.30am-11.30am EST?
    • Shall we meet on June 2nd, 2021 to finalize the DDF presentation?
    • ONAP For Enterprise call will be canceled on June 9th due to DDF event.

Meeting Minutes - 6/2/2021 @7am PST

Meeting Minutes - 6/23/2021 @7.30 am PST 

Meeting Minutes - 7/7/2021 @7.30 am PST 


  • Additional areas that we could explore in parallel:
    • alarms/events generated by VNF Magma 1.5 GW (question)
    • Create alarm/events catalog and check if 3GPP compliant
    • DCAE VES (question)

Meeting Minutes - 7/21/2021 @7.30 am PST 

  • Magma/ONAP Integration - latest updates
    • Prabhjot Singh Sethi
      • #1 enabling 5G as part of the Access GW will be part of the next Magma release (v1.6) but roadmap not yet finalised
      • No major in the Configuration API discussed on 7/7
      • Network slicing and complex features will be part of later Magma releases (but not v1.6)
  • LF Edge - Ike Alisson
    • Discussion about Network Slicing
    • Information sent offline by Ike
      • Functionalities (3GPP TS 23 501 Rel 17 June 2021) related to "Session Service Continuity"  (deliberately not including details on SSC Mode 1-3 related to UPF/PSA selection/re-selection) and "Local Traffic Routing" functions/capabilities for "inter-" and "intra-"  Platforms/Systems  communiction (HPLMN and VPLMN) with regard to %G NFs Cloud Native factors adoption in CSP Service Solution Frameworks.

        Related to that, there is also the issue of Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting (also as part of the Security) (SUPI; SUCI; GUTI) for both, Applications/Service commissioning/instantiation and Users and related to them UEs.

        As it is recently stated in some reports on that issue (adoption of Cloud Native capabilites and Cloudification in CSP/Cellular/Wireless Networks), it becomes apparent that VNFs implementing NFs such as Firewalling, IP Address assignment or Switching & Routing might not be able to comply entirely with the Cloud Native paradigm.


  • Questions about Magma: Is there any performance metrics about Magma? How many users per GW etc without any additional infrastructure? Prabhjot Singh Sethi said that Magma team said that currently put high physical devices as an Access GW, you will get a better number.
  • Magma Containerization is delayed, not date/commitment yet, phasing approach but the requirements have been created in Github.
  • Chaker Al-Hakim discussed the LF Open Source Component Projects for 5G under LF Edge umbrella. Chaker invited people to attend the LFN 5G Super Blueprint meeting. 
  • Prabhjot Singh Sethigave some information about Akraino Blue print part of LF Open Source Component Projects for 5G. Magma GW has a monolithic architecture and not yet foreseen for Edge blue print.
  • Chaker Al-Hakimwill join Akraino TSC meeting to provide some awareness about  LF Open Source Component Projects for 5G.

Meeting Minutes - 8/4/2021 @7.30 am PST 

  • SABRES (Secure, Adaptive, roBust, Resilient, and Efficient Slices) presented by Dr Erik Kline
  • Gervais-Martial Ngueko : Proposal of SABRES Integration into ONAP E2E Network Slicing call flows

Meeting Minutes - 8/18/2021 @7.30 am PST 


SO queries OOF for slice template selection and then slice instance selection. In response to slice instance selection query, OOF may return an existing slice instance or may recommend SO to create a new slice instance. A new process called Orchestration Task is created to manage recalibration of NSI&NSSI selection with manual intervention from the portal. A new SO adapter is created to be the adapter of NSSMF which will interact with external NSSMF for NSSI management. See the SO Impacts and Interfaces wiki page for details.

Meeting Minutes -  

Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST

Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST

  • ONAP Service Assurance based on Magma Glacier Peak v1.6 - Jorge Hernandez , Gervais-Martial Ngueko 
  • Discussion about ONAP Monitoring/Integration possibilities (slide 11)
  • Next steps:
    • #1 Meet the ONAP DCAE project to define which option to pursue.
    • #2 Share our initial analysis with the Magma Team.
    • #3 Identify which KPIs, i.e. QoS, to be integrated as suggested by Ike Alisson during today's session

Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST

  • ONAP/Magma KPIs Jorge Hernandez , Gervais-Martial Ngueko 
    • Can we be aligned with VES template? - to be validated with the Magma Team.
    • Determine the use cases, control loops that we can trigger out of Magma KPIs
    • Some options about Data Collection are still under evaluation including Prometheus (Apache 2.0 License)
    • How would we introduce Prometheus to ONAP? It is not specific for DCAE and could be used by other components
    • The main Prometheus server runs standalone and has no external dependencies.
    • The deployment of Prometheus requires some changes and ownership by the OOM Team
  • ONAP/SABRES Integration - waiting feedback from Dr. Eric Kline about the APIs (probably in November 2021) David McBride 
  • ONAP For Enterprise - Roadmap

Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST

  • ONAP/Magma Integration Updates? - Yogendra Pal Lukasz Rajewski  ( Byung-Woo Jun ,   Amar Kapadia )
  • ONAP/Magma KPIs discussions
    • Magma Contacts: Brian Barritt, Hunter Gatewood, Marie Bremner 
  • Prometheus proposal/feedback from Sylvain Desbureaux :
    • Not part of ONAP deployment a.k.a. OOM
    • But can consumed by our ONAP components
    • Timo Perala will advice how we could use Prometheus either on WindRiver, MS Azure, etc?
    • Two options shared by Jorge Hernandez (using Prometheus) and requests to the Magma team:
      • Magma compliant to VES specifications - preferred option
      • Magma sent notifications to DCAE directly and ONAP will perform VES mapping. Risk: Interface break if the format is changed and the ONAP community not informed 
  • Positive from Walmart's representative during the last LFN Governance Board meeting - Stay Tuned

Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST

  • ONAP/Magma KPIs discussions
    • VES (Virtual Event steam) specs discussion scheduled for the first 30 minutes of the Magma Bi-weekly Engineering Meeting
    • Welcome Shubham Tatvamasi, Vipin Rathi, Guillaume Belanger (Magma team)!
    • Jorge Hernandez , Gervais-Martial Ngueko , Vijay Venkatesh Kumar (ONAP DCAE PTL) - provide information about VES specifications and any useful material (VES KPIs samples, ONAP/Magma POC material/intial inputs, etc.) to the Magma team prior the meeting on Nov 18th, 2021.
    • Setup a pre-meeting with Shubham Tatvamasi to share ONAP/Magma POC material/intial inputs - will be defined over Magma 'slack channel' (Genral). Logistics support will be provided by David McBride , Kenny Paul  - thank you all !
  • ONAP/Magma Integration Updates (Service Delivery)? - Yogendra Pal, Lukasz Rajewski , Byung-Woo Jun
    • Yogendra Pal  - ONAP Honolulu release has been deployed to resume integration with Magma 1.6 (VNF/AGW - Access Gateway). Trying to deploy on Nov. 11th the Magma package through ONAP SDC (Service Design & Creation).
    • Lukasz Rajewski - Instantiation of Magma CNFs (K8S) - using ONAP SO CNF Adaptor (work in progress). Is there any plan concerning Magma CNF? Not yet part of the Magma roadmap.
    • No CDS Integration yet scheduled
  • Walmart's representative (Ciby)
    • Meeting scheduled tomorrow at 2pm PST
    • Purpose is to share the goals from the ONAP Enterprise Task Force, Onboarding Community process and later on, discuss any potential use cases
  • Sharing the presentation to Layer123 World Congress on Nov 17th, 2021

Meeting Minutes - @7:30 am PST

  • ONAP/Magma KPIs discussions - follow-up discussions on what we have learned from Nov 18th, 2021
    • Material/demos/slides were shared
    • No push back about using VES Specifications to collect KPIs from Magma but no agreement yet
    • 'ONAP' Slack channel with Magma has been created to kick-off the implementation
    • Next steps:
      • Magma Team to assess all the information shared on 11/18
      • Follow-up with Magma team early in january 2022 to determine - shall we code "VES" adaptor (accepted by 3GPP) in Magma code; will Magma do it? Need to agree with Magma about the next steps.
      • Additional discussions are required to define concrete use cases that we want to implement from ONAP side i.e. monitor Magma GWs, Network Slicing etc., without overlapping any control loop capability already offered by Magma.
      • Identify KPIs related to ONAP E2E Network Slicing that could become a requirement for Magma - Deadline: January 8th, 2021. Let's review any requirement on our first Enterprise call on 1/5/2022
  • Feedback from the "SABRES" working session organised on December 1st, 2021
    • Meeting recording
    • Diagram shared by Erik Kline
    • SABRES Presentation from Gervais-Martial Ngueko
    • Next Steps:
      • Next meeting to be scheduled end of January 2022
      • Investigation about SABRES Resiliency and any other non functional requirements that might impact ONAP Integration
      • Send second iterations of the deck to Erik Kline including concrete questions
  • ONAP/Magma Integration Updates (Service Delivery)? Feedback about the onboarding of Magma VNF through SDC and next steps
    • Yogendra Pal has contacted the Magma team to perform helm chart changes
    • Is there any additional information to clarify the namespace usage?
  • LFN DDF event (Jan 10th-13th): Proposal has been submitted

Action Items (Closed)

  •  (Catherine) To follow up with Swaminathan Seetharaman about scope/functionalities/roadmap supported by CSMF
  •  Kenny): Setup onboarding process for DARPA Program
  •  (Veronica): Provide the Orange Invite to be shared with the ONAP community
  •  (Kenny) Collect any EUAG Use Cases
  •  (Kenny) add an item to TSC call - 3/25 about EUAG for Enterprise
  •  (Kenny) add an item to TSC call - 3/4 - new schedule for Task Force - Enterprises + introduce agenda (3/31) - Alla GoldnerTimo Perala (requirement subcommittee) and Chaker Al-Hakim(architecture subcommittee) to attend
  •  (David): Follow-up with Amar Kapadiaabout TSC presentation about current status regarding OPS-5G & LFN Activities
  •  (Catherine): Recheck the ONAP Calendar
  •  Kenny Paulset up meeting invite for next week  
  •  Chaker Al-Hakim Invite LF Edge to our ONAP for Enterprise Task Force on July 21st
  •  Catherine Lefevre Discuss with Arpit about the new name a.k.a "5G Open Source Stack" - can be confusing with OpenStack initiative from RedHat; preference is to use "Open 5G Stack"
  •  Rework our ONAP Added Values Message in alignment with Vertical Industry & Enterprise Business - presented during the DDF Event in June 2021
  •  Contact Enterprise Business Units within our own company
  •  Prepare the Survey (Discontinued)
  •  Catherine Lefevre  "How do we plan to communicate with the other open source communities " - Bring this item to the next 5G Super Blueprint call.
  •  Chaker Al-Hakim Invite LF Edge to our ONAP for Enterprise Task Force on July 21st
  •  Catherine Lefevre - Add Prometheus topic as part of PTL meeting (10/18)
  •  Vijay Venkatesh Kumar : Follow up with Sylvain Desbureaux to consider Prometheus (including Alertmanager and other key plugins)  as part of the OOM project.
  •  Catherine Lefevre - Add Prometheus topic as part of PTL meeting (10/18)
  •  Vijay Venkatesh Kumar : Follow up with Sylvain Desbureaux to consider Prometheus (including Alertmanager and other key plugins)  as part of the OOM project.
  •  David McBride ; Kenny Paul : Provide LF PM Contact point for Magma
  •  Kenny PaulCatherine Lefevre : Invite Walmart - Nov 10th (TBC)?
  •  David McBride - Check on Dr Kline (SABRES)
  •  David McBride

    #1 Seize the opportunity to discuss Magma CNF requirements/roadmap as part of Nov 18th, 2021.#2 Check how long Magma 1.6 support will be available?  What's the process to raise a bug? How long it will take to fix it?

    Pro-actively post these questions in the  "Magma" slack channel (General)
