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Install Jaeger/Kiali

Configure ONAP charts

Global settings

Global values used for ServiceMesh and Ingress setup can be found in


Code Block
#ingress virtualhost based configuration
    enabled: true
      baseurl: ""
    # All http requests via ingress will be redirected
      ssl: "redirect"
    # you can set an own Secret containing a certificate
    #  tls:
    #    secret: 'my-ingress-cert'
    # optional: Namespace of the Istio IngressGateway
    namespace: istio-ingress
    enabled: true
    tls: true
    # be aware that linkerd is not well tested
    engine: "istio" # valid value: istio or linkerd
  aafEnabled: false
  cmpv2Enabled: false
  tlsEnabled: false
  msbEnabled: false

ServiceMesh settings:

  • enabled: true → enables ServiceMesh functionality in the ONAP Namespace (Istio: enables Sidecar deployment)
  • tls: true → enables mTLS encryption in Sidecar communication
  • engine: istio → sets the SM engine (currently only Istio is supported)
  • aafEnabled: false → disables AAF usage for TLS interfaces
  • tlsEnabled: false → disables creation of TLS in component services
  • cmpv2Enabled: false → disable cmpv2 feature
  • msbEnabled: false → MSB is not used in Istio setup (Open, if all components are MSB independend) 

Ingress settings:

  • enabled: true → enables Ingress using: Nginx (when SM disabled), Istio IngressGateway (when SM enabled)  
  • virtualhost.baseurl: "" → sets globally the URL for all Interfaces set by the components, resulting in e.g. ""
  • config.ssl: redirect → sets in the Ingress globally the redirection of all Interfaces from http (port 80) to https (port 443)
  • config.tls.secret: "..." → (optional) overrides the default selfsigned SSL certificate with a certificate stored in the specified secret
  • namespace: istio-ingress → (optional) overrides the namespace of the ingress gateway which is used for the created SSL certificate

Install ONAP

  1. Label namespace for Istio sidecar injection:

    Code Block
    $ kubectl label namespace onap istio-injection=enabled --overwrite=true