Versions Compared


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  1. A1 SIM has to be cloned from this link:,general
  2. Go to the directory: "a1-interface/near-rt-ric-simulator/test/STD_2.0.0" and edit the file called ""
    On the line 98, change Kafka Cluster address and port: MSG_BROKER_URL=localhost:9092
    Also, you can set request_topic and response_topic for per policy type. However, for the Step 5, you have to configure your topics named kafkatopicreq2 and kafkatopicres2.

    To do so, go to the directory "a1-interface/near-rt-ric-simulator/test/KAFKA_DISPATCHER/resources" and edit the file named "policytype_to_topicmap.json"

    After Kafka Cluster is being created, please validate


    existence of your topics using a command like the below:
    P.S: Please don't forget to change the path for in accordance with your Kafka Cluster installation.

    Code Block
    $ /opt/kafka/bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

  3. In order to build & start A1 SIM with Kafka Cluster Communicator module, fire this command: "./ duplicate-check kafka-srv publish-resp"
  4. Check to see both containers are available and running.$ docker ps

    Code Block
    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS     NAMES
    dd966210ce86   a1test             "/bin/sh -c 'src/sta…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute             a1StdSimulator
    1ac17bac7ffa   kafka_dispatcher   "/bin/sh -c src/star…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute             kafkamessagedispatcher

  5. Finally, run unit test cases:
    $ ./ nonsecure duplicate-check ignore-ext-srv

    When the test cases run successfully, you will see a message like the below:
    *** All tests ok ***
