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Deploying New Code (based on the standard ONAP lab setup)

This tutotial talks about one way to deploy new sdnc code into the corresponding docker image which is based on the prevjous chapter "Deploying a Minimal ONAP SDN-C Environment"

Example: Deploy file into docker image

The example is about adding a new rpc in the generic-resource-api which is a sub-module of northbound project.

Download Project

Download sdnc-northbound project and put it under integration/boostrap/vagrant-onap/opt/openecomp/sdnc

This step is not necssary which is used to align with the folder path where ONAP-integeration clone, complie project.

Add an new rpc

Edit northinboud/generic-resources-api/model/src/main/yang/GENERIC-RESOURCES-API.yang

For example 

Code Block
rpc haok-sdnc-test {
    output {
      leaf hello-world {
         type string;
         mandatory true;

Image Added

Use maven to build project

build generic-resources-api/model

Write a simple implemenation

Implement the new rpc generated by YANG model in GenericResourcesApiProvider

For example

Code Block
@Override public Future<RpcResult<HaokSdncTestOutput>> haokSdncTest() {
    HaokSdncTestOutputBuilder responseBuilder = new HaokSdncTestOutputBuilder();
    RpcResult<HaokSdncTestOutput> rpcResult =
    return Futures.immediateFuture(rpcResult);

Image Added

Copy and unzip feature

vagrant ssh $(vagrant global-status | grep sdnc | awk '{print $1}')
docker cp /opt/openecomp/sdnc/northbound/generic-resource-api/installer/target/ $(docker ps -a | grep "/sdnc-image" | awk '{print $1}'):/opt/sdnc/features
docker exec -it $(docker ps -a | grep "/sdnc-image" | awk '{print $1}') bash
cd /opt/sdnc/features
unzip -o
unzip -o -d /opt/opendaylight/current sdnc-generic-resource-api/
rm -rf sdnc-generic-resource-api
/opt/opendaylight/current/bin/client -u karaf feature:uninstall sdnc-generic-resource-api
/opt/opendaylight/current/bin/client -u karaf feature:repo-remove mvn:org.onap.sdnc.northbound/generic-resource-api-features/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
/opt/opendaylight/current/bin/client -u karaf feature:repo-add mvn:org.onap.sdnc.northbound/generic-resource-api-features/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
/opt/opendaylight/current/bin/client -u karaf feature:install sdnc-generic-resource-api 
docker restart $(docker ps -a | grep "/sdnc-image" | awk '{print $1}')

Hint: The version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT could be updated in the future. Please update the version according to the current project version.

Verify new rpc

It takes a miniute to restart the karaf platform which really depends on the performance of your host machine.

Image Addedcoming soon

Remote Debugging

This is the tutorial about how to turn on the remote debug for sdnc docker instance.
