Versions Compared


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(on each host) add to your /etc/hosts to point your ip to your hostname (add your hostname to the end). Add entries for all other hosts in your cluster.

Code Block
sudo vi /etc/hosts
<your-ip> <your-hostname>

clone oom (scp your onap_rsa private key first - or clone anon - Ideally you get a full gerrit account and join the community)

see ssh/http/http access links below

Code Block
anonymous http
git clone
or using your key
git clone ssh://

or use https (substitute your user/pass)

Code Block
git clone

(on each host (server and client(s) which may be the same machine)) Install only the 1.12.x (currently 1.12.6) version of Docker (the only version that works with Kubernetes in Rancher 1.6)

Install Docker

Code Block
curl | sh
# when running as non-root (ubuntu) run
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu

Pre pull docker images the first time you install onap. Currently the pre-pull will take 10-35 min depending on the throttling, what you have already pulled and load on Pre pulling the images will allow the entire ONAP to start in 3-8 min instead of up to 3 hours.

This is a WIP


Code Block

# from OOM-328 - pulls in sequence
curl >
# or from INT-120 - pulls in parallel
curl >
chmod 777
nohup ./ > prepull.log & 

(on the master only) Install rancher (use 8880 instead of 8080) - note there may be issues with the dns pod in Rancher after a reboot or when running clustered hosts - a clean system will be OK -


Code Block
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8880:8080 rancher/server

In Rancher UI - dont use ( - use the real IP address - so the client configs are populated correctly with callbacks

You must deactivate the default CATTLE environment - by adding a KUBERNETES environment - and Deactivating the older default CATTLE one - your added hosts will attach to the default

    • Default → Manage Environments
    • Select "Add Environment" button
    • Give the Environment a name and description, then select Kubernetes as the Environment Template
    • Hit the "Create" button. This will create the environment and bring you back to the Manage Environments view
    • At the far right column of the Default Environment row, left-click the menu ( looks like 3 stacked dots ), and select Deactivate. This will make your new Kubernetes environment the new default.

Register your host(s) - run following on each host (including the master if you are collocating the master/host on a single machine/vm)

For each host, In Rancher > Infrastructure > Hosts. Select "Add Host"

The first time you add a host - you will be presented with a screen containing the routable IP - hit save only on a routable IP.

Enter IP of host: (if you launched racher with - otherwise keep it empty - it will autopopulate the registration with the real IP)

Copy command to register host with Rancher,

Execute command on host, for example:

Code Block
% docker run --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.2

wait for kubernetes menu to populate with CLI

Install Kubectl

The following will install kubectl on a linux host. Once configured, this client tool will provide management of a Kubernetes cluster.

Code Block
curl -LO$(curl -s
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
mkdir ~/.kube
vi ~/.kube/config

Paste kubectl config from Rancher (you will see the CLI menu in Rancher / Kubernetes after the k8s pods are up on your host)

Click on "Generate Config" to get your content to add into .kube/config

Verify that Kubernetes config is good

Code Block
root@obrien-kube11-1:~# kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at ....
Heapster is running at....
KubeDNS is running at ....
kubernetes-dashboard is running at ...
monitoring-grafana is running at ....
monitoring-influxdb is running at ...
tiller-deploy is running at....

Install Helm

The following will install Helm (use 2.3.0 not current 2.6.0) on a linux host. Helm is used by OOM for package and configuration management.

Prerequisite: Install Kubectl

Code Block
tar -zxvf helm-v2.3.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
# Test Helm
helm help

Undercloud done - move to ONAP Installation

Wait until all the hosts show green in rancher, then run the createConfig/createAll scripts that wraps all the kubectl commands - off of oom/kubernetes/config and oom/kubernetes/oneclick

whereever you pulled oom

Source the setenv.bash script in /oom/kubernetes/oneclick/ - will set your helm list of components to start/delete

Code Block
source setenv.bash

run the one time config pod - which mounts the volume /dockerdata/ contained in the pod config-init. This mount is required for all other ONAP pods to function.

Note: the pod will stop after NFS creation - this is normal.

Code Block
% cd oom/kubernetes/config
# edit or copy the config for MSO data
vi onap-parameters.yaml
# or
cp onap-parameters-sample.yaml onap-parameters.yaml 
# run the config pod creation
% ./ -n onap 

**** Creating configuration for ONAP instance: onap
namespace "onap" created
pod "config-init" created
**** Done ****

Wait for the config-init pod is gone before trying to bring up a component or all of ONAP - around 60 sec (up to 10 min) - see

root@ip-172-31-93-122:~/oom_20170908/oom/kubernetes/config# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -a

onap          config                                 0/1       Completed   0          1m

Note: When using the -a option the config container will show up with the status, however when not used with the -a flag, it will not be present

Cluster Configuration (optional - do not use if your server/client are co-located)

A mount is better.

Try to run you host and client on a single VM (a 64g one) - if not you can run rancher and several clients across several machines/VMs. The /dockerdata-nfs share must be replicated across the cluster using a mount or by copying the directory to the other servers from the one the "config" pod actually runs. To verify this check your / root fs on each node.

Code Block
# in this case a 4 node cluster of 16g vms - the config node is on the 4th
root@kube16-3:~# ls /
bin  boot  dev  dockerdata-nfs  etc  home  initrd.img  lib  lib64  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  snap  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var  vmlinuz
root@kube16-3:~# scp -r /dockerdata-nfs/
root@kube16-3:~# scp -r /dockerdata-nfs/
root@kube16-3:~# scp -r /dockerdata-nfs/     

Running ONAP

Don't run all the pods unless you have at least 52G allocated - if you have a laptop/VM with 16G - then you can only run enough pods to fit in around 11G

Code Block
% cd ../oneclick
% vi createAll.bash 
% ./createAll.bash -n onap -a robot|appc|aai 

(to bring up a single service at a time)

Use the default "onap" namespace if you want to run robot tests out of the box - as in "onap-robot"

Bring up core components

Code Block
root@kos1001:~/oom1004/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# cat setenv.bash
#HELM_APPS=('consul' 'msb' 'mso' 'message-router' 'sdnc' 'vid' 'robot' 'portal' 'policy' 'appc' 'aai' 'sdc' 'dcaegen2' 'log' 'cli' 'multicloud' 'clamp' 'vnfsdk' 'kube2msb' 'aaf' 'vfc')
HELM_APPS=('consul' 'msb' 'mso' 'message-router' 'sdnc' 'vid' 'robot' 'portal' 'policy' 'appc' 'aai' 'sdc' 'log' 'kube2msb')
# pods with the ELK filebeat container for capturing logs
root@kos1001:~/oom1004/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -a | grep 2/2
onap-aai              aai-resources-338473047-8k6vr           2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-aai              aai-traversal-2033243133-6cr9v          2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-aai              model-loader-service-3356570452-25fjp   2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-aai              search-data-service-2366687049-jt0nb    2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-aai              sparky-be-3141964573-f2mhr              2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-appc             appc-1335254431-v1pcs                   2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-mso              mso-3911927766-bmww7                    2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-policy           drools-2302173499-t0zmt                 2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-policy           pap-1954142582-vsrld                    2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-policy           pdp-4137191120-qgqnj                    2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-portal           portalapps-4168271938-4kp32             2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-portal           portaldb-2821262885-0t32z               2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-sdc              sdc-be-2986438255-sdqj6                 2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-sdc              sdc-fe-1573125197-7j3gp                 2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-sdnc             sdnc-3858151307-w9h7j                   2/2       Running     0          1h
onap-vid              vid-server-1837290631-x4ttc             2/2       Running     0          1h
# failed containers
root@kos1001:~/oom1004/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -a | grep 0/1
onap                  config                                  0/1       Completed   0          3h
onap-kube2msb         kube2msb-registrator-1562795675-xsmjz   0/1       Error       24         1h

Only if you have >52G run the following (all namespaces)

Code Block
% ./createAll.bash -n onap

ONAP is OK if everything is 1/1 in the following

Code Block
% kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Run the ONAP portal via instructions at RunningONAPusingthevnc-portal

Wait until the containers are all up

Run Initial healthcheck directly on the host

cd /dockerdata-nfs/onap/robot

./ health

check AAI endpoints

root@ip-172-31-93-160:/dockerdata-nfs/onap/robot# kubectl -n onap-aai exec -it aai-service-3321436576-2snd6 bash

root@aai-service-3321436576-2snd6:/# ps -ef


root         1     0  0 15:50 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/haproxy-systemd-

root         7     1  0 15:50 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/haproxy-master  

root@ip-172-31-93-160:/dockerdata-nfs/onap/robot# curl

curl: (60) server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
