Versions Compared


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This page is used for the ONAP R2+ Resource IM drafting and discussion.Current Resource Information Model UML Documentation





Class Diagrams Discussion

This section illustrates the core IM design related to VNF resource from different sources.  


  • Run Time Model (VNF Instance)

    1) ECOMP IM (vNF deployment diagram)

      - What's the relationship between VNFC instance and VNF module? What's the usage of VNF module?
      - Why does network only associate with the VM, but not with Docker/LXC? Why is the cardinality 1:1?
      - Why does storage have no association with VNFC instance?
      - Why does VNFImage have 1:1 association with VNF instance, instead of VNFC instance?
      - No model for network port?
    Is the VNF Instance model still under discussion like the VNFD model?
  • Michela Bevilacqua:  ONAP VNF deployment diagram and ETSI IFA015  do not match 1to1. Can we compare and provide class mapping/identify gaps ?
  • IN IFA015 A VnfC is in relation to VirtualStorage, VirtualCompute, VirtualizationContainer and VnfcCp. 
  • In ONAP IM proposal where a VNFCInstance is in relaiton with VM (Type1 vServer), DockerorLinuxContainerInstance ( Type 2) and Type 3
    2) ETSI IFA IM (IFA015 VNFLogicalModel diagram)
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IFA015, VNF Classes Mapping

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Michela Bevilacqua: How do we map VNFInfo, InstantiatedVnfInfo and connected Info classes present in IFA015 to ONAP IM ?

Design Time Model


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  • NOTE: This diagram is being updated to align with the design time diagram.

  • Michela Bevilacqua:  ONAP VNF deployment diagram and ETSI IFA015  do not match 1to1. Can we compare and provide class mapping/identify gaps ?
  • IN IFA015 A VnfC is in relation to VirtualStorage, VirtualCompute, VirtualizationContainer and VnfcCp. 
  • In ONAP IM proposal where a VNFCInstance is in relaiton with VM (Type1 vServer), DockerorLinuxContainerInstance ( Type 2) and Type 3

    2) ETSI IFA IM (IFA015 VNFLogicalModel diagram)
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              IFA015, VNF Classes Mapping

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Michela Bevilacqua: How do we map VNFInfo, InstantiatedVnfInfo and connected Info classes present in IFA015 to ONAP IM?

Xu Yang: In my opinion, the VnfInfo, InstantiatedVnfInfo, etc. can be mapped to attributes of the corresponding resource instance objects.


  • Design Time Model

1) ONAP Resource Model UML

High Level Diagram

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VNFDesc - Network View
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VNFDesc - VNFCDesc

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(besides VduCpd, Vdu also has relationship with VirtualComputeDesc, VirtualStorageDesc and swImageDesc; which are omitted in this diagram)

3) SDC IM (normative and heat types)
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(omit several types for simplicity)

4) Proposed ONAP R2+ Design Time Model

Resource General View Diagram

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    • Resource model includes design time model (ResourceDesc) and run time model (ResourceInstance). Based on one ResourceDesc, zero or more ResourceInstance(s) can be instantiated.
    • “Resource” is a generalization of many objects, for example, VNF, PNF, entitlement, etc. In the above diagram, only VNF, PNF and ServiceVirtualLink (virtual link between NFs) are shown. More specifically,
      • VnfDesc is derived from ResourceDesc, VnfInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. Based on one VnfDesc, zero or more VnfInstance(s) can be instantiated.
      • PnfDesc is derived from ResourceDesc, PnfInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. One PnfDesc is used to describe one PnfInstance.
      • SrvVlDesc is derived from ResourceDesc, SrvVlInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. Based on one SrvVlDesc, zero or more SrvVlInstance(s) can be instantiated.
    • VnfDesc can be composed of one or more VnfcDesc(s) and zero or more VnfVlDesc(s). Correspondingly, VnfInstance can be composed of zero or more VnfcInstance(s) and zero or more VlInstance(s). It should be noted that a VnfInstance comprises zero VnfcInstance is a special case that the VnfInstance object is created but not instantiated.
    • Based on one VnfVlDesc, zero or more VlInstance(s) can be instantiated. And Based on one VnfcDesc, zero or more VnfcInstance(s) can be instantiated.  

VnfDesc General View Diagram

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NOTE: This diagram is a proposed model for the VnfDesc, mainly inspired by the model from ETSI IFA015. Not all elements in the VnfDesc are depicted.

    • VnfcDesc is composed of one or more DeploymentFlavor(s), one or more VnfcDesc(s), one or more VnfExtCpDesc(s) and zero or more VnfVlDesc(s).
    • DeploymentFlavor references VnfcDesc and VnfVlDesc.
    • VnfcDesc is composed of one VirtualComputeDesc, one or more VirtualStorageDesc(s), zero or more SwImageDesc(s) and one or more VnfcCpDesc(s).
    • A VirtualStorageDesc can reference a SwImageDesc.
    • A VnfExtCpDesc references to a VnfcCpDesc.
    • VnfcCpDesc can reference a VnfVlDesc.




This section compares the different IM design from different sources.



