Versions Compared


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This page describes shows the current agreement on the design time information model of resources for ONAP R2+.


Table of Content


Table of Contents

Class: VNFD/VNFDesc

Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes
vnfProviderString1Provider of the VNF and of the MANDATORY
vnfProductNameString1Name to identify the VNF Product. Invariant for the VNF Product MANDATORY
vnfSoftwareVersionString1Software version of the VNF. This is changed when there is any change to the software that is included in the VNF MANDATORY
vnfdVersionString1Identifies the version of the MANDATORY
vnfProductInfoNameString0..1Human readable name for the VNF Product. Can change during the VNF Product MANDATORY
vnfProductInfoDescriptionString0..1Human readable description of the VNF Product. Can change during the VNF Product MANDATORY
vnfmInfoString0..NIdentifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNF described in this version of the MANDATORY

Information about localization languages of the VNF (includes e.g. strings in the VNFD).

NOTE: This allows to provide one or more localization languages to support selecting a specific localization language at VNF instantiation time.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: refer to ISO936


Default localization language that is instantiated if no information about selected localization language is available.

support: MANDATORY

valueRange: refer to ISO936

condition: Shall be present if "localizationLanguage" is present and shall be absent otherwise.



VNF Model (VnfCatalogItem/VNFD)

attribute namecardinalitydata typeconstraintdescriptionproviderconsumernote
vnfdInvariantId1invariant identifier of the VNF modelvendorSDC, AAI?SDC: invariantUUIDvnfdId1identifier of the VNF modelvendorSDC, AAI?SDC: UUID, ETSI IFA011v231: vnfdIdvnfdVersion1version of the VNF modelvendorSDC, AAI?SDC: version, ETSI IFA011v231: vnfdVersionvnfName0..1name of the VNFvendorSDC, AAI?SDC: nf_naming, ETSI IFA011v231: vnfProductNamevnfNamingCode0..1short code of the VNFvendorSDC, AAI?SDC: nf_naming_codevnfProductInfoName0..1human readable name for the VNF productvendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: vnfProductInfoNamedescription0..1description of the VNF modelvendorSDC, AAI?SDC: nf_function, ETSI IFA011v231: vnfProductInfoDescriptionvnfProvider1provider of the VNF modelvendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: vnfProviderlogo0..1logo of the VNFvendorSDC?ECOMP IM: logovnfSoftwareVersion1software version of the VNFvendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: vnfSoftwareVersionvnfmInfo0..1identifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNFvendorVF-CETSI IFA011v231: vnfmInfomin_instances1minimal number of VNF instance in a servicevendorSDC?SDC: min_instancesmax_instances1maximal number of VNF instance in a servicevendorSDC?SDC: max_instanceslocalizationLanguage0..1localization languages of the VNF and the VNF modelvendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: localizationLanguagedefaultLocalizationLanguage0..1default localization languagevendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: defaultLocalizationLanguagevdu1..NVirtualisation Deployment Unit, model of VNFC instancevendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: MANDATORY
virtualComputeDescVirtualComputeDescvirtualComputeDesc1..NDefines descriptors of virtual compute resources to be used by the VNF.vendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: virtualComputeDescsupport: MANDATORY
virtualStorageDescVirtualStorageDesc0..NDefines descriptors of virtual storage resources to be used by the VNF.vendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: virtualStorageDescsupport: MANDATORY
intVirtualLinkDesc/VNFVirtualLinkDescVirtualLinkDesc/VNFVirtualLinkDescintVirtualLinkDesc0..NRepresents the type of network connectivity mandated by the VNF provider between two or more CPs which includes at least one internal CP.vendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: intVirtualLinkDescsupport: MANDATORY
vnfExtCpd/VNFExtCPDescVnfExtCpd/VNFExtCPDesc1..NDescribes external interface(s) exposed by this VNF enabling connection with a VL.vendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: vnfExtCpdconfigurableProperties0..1indicator for whether autoHeal and autoScale is enabledvendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: configurablePropertieselementGroup0..Ndescribes the associated elements (i.e. VDUs and/or VLs) of a VNF for a certain purpose during VNF lifecycle managementvendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: elementGroupvnfIndicator0..Nvendor specific information which can indicate the VNF behaviorvendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: vnfIndicatorautoScale0..Nrule that determines when a scaling action needs to be triggered on a VNF instancevendorSDC, AAI?ETSI IFA011v231: autoScale

NOTE 1: In ETSI IFA011v231, the attributes deploymentFlavour (Vnfdf class in ONAP R1IM), modifiableAttributes (modifiableAttributes in ONA R1 IM), lifeCycleManagementScript (lifeCycleManagementScript class in ONAP R1 IM) are defined in ETSI IFA011v231, but they are not present here.

NOTE 2: The optionality, producer and consumer column are to be confirmed.


VDU Model (VnfcCatalogItem/VDU)


support: MANDATORY
deploymentFlavour/VNFDeploymentFlavorVnfDf/VNFDeploymentFlavor1..NDescribes specific DF(s) of a VNF with specific requirements for capacity and MANDATORY
