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Table of Contents


Edge clouds are located at close proximity to end users. Typical deployment locations are within the access networks or at the boundary of access networks. In some deployments, they can be within the customer premises (e.g., home; enterprise; factory floor; vehicles including trains, planes, private cars). The core thrusts of edge clouds for applications are low latency, high bandwidth, and trusted computing and storage. Various edge cloud architectures have already emerged from different communities and potentially can be plugged into the ONAP architecture for service orchestration. The group analyzes the orchestration requirements of services over various edge clouds and how these requirements impact ONAP components in terms of data collection, processing, policy management, resource management, control loop models, security, as well as application & network function deployment and control.


Problem Statement - In Progress:

  • Edge Scoping
  • Clarify Where/What is Edge...and, focus of this effort
  • Requirements for ONAP R2+
    • Target Dates:
      1. April 30th for Use Case sub committee update about functional requirements for Casablanca and beyond 
        Presentation Link: ONAP-edge-automation-wg-usecase-update-04-30-2018.pptx
      2. May 15th for Architecture sub committee update about any changes to the functional/reference architecture for Casablanca and beyond

Call Schedule:

List Subscription/Meeting Notification:

WG Coordinators: 



Child Pages

Page Tree

Links to Other ONAP work related to "Edge"

OpenSource Access Manager - context of "Edge Orchestration" for Fixed Access

Use case proposal: 5G- RAN deployment, Slicing, SON - context of "Edge Compute" for hosting CU function

Links to other Community Work

OPNFV - "Service Provider's Management of Edge Cloud"

AKRAINO – "Open source software stack to improve the state of edge cloud infrastructure"

OSF EDGE COMPUTING GROUP - "Open source initiative to explore cloud edge computing related use cases and scenarios and work on addressing the requirements the group identifies."


WG Coordinators: Raghu RanganathanRamki Krishnan

Cagatay BuyukkocAT&T
Gil HellmannWind RiverYes
Lyndon OngCiena


 Parviz Yegani Huawei
Pasi VaananenRed Hat
Remus TanCiena
Ramesh NagarajanAccenture
Jasmin AudetGenicom
Sergio SlobodrianCienayes
Anh LeNetcracker
Shekar Sundaramurthy  AT&T yes

Simone Mangiante <>



Yoav KlugerAmdocsyes
Sumit VerdiVMware

Call Notes

Apr 06, 2018
  1. Permanent time for meetings: Mondays 9am est is proposed by multi parties
  2. Review the Edge scoping doc/updates
  3. Review the list of docs submitted
  4. Open discussion for follow up topics with priorities
  5. Clarify where/what is Edge (tentatively, a gold star has been awarded to one :-)..but, could be awarded to more!)
  6. ONAP specific aspects/scoping doc addressed this?

ZOOM Recording: GMT20180406-170638_Ramki-Kris_1920x1080.mp4

Meeting Notes:

  1. Meeting time consensus - 8:00am PT. Ramki to reach out to OOF team to change the time of OOF meetings.
  2. Cagatay reviewed Edge Scoping-r3.docx.
    • Discuss where is "Edge" and relevant applications for with a app response time context
    • Gil Bullard brought up relevance to ONAP context, i.e. ONAP services to external party vs ONAP Multi-VIM driven management/optimization. Federated ONAP operations may be relevant here.
      • The consensus is to discuss this after we agree on the use case scope.
    • Alexander Vul brought up the distinctions between user equipment vs customer premise equipment in mobile node like a car in the context where "Edge" might be.
      • The demarcation between network provider and end user is left up to service provider. In the case of a car example, the demarc is the Mobile SIM (4G/5G etc.).
    • ramki krishnan brought up architecture vs use case distinction in the Applications and time scales section.
      • The consensus was to move architecture details to a separate section.
    • ramki krishnan brought up need for additional examples other than RAN for item 2) "Near-real-time Apps" in the Applications and time scales section.
      • The consensus for the team to provide input.
    • Created child page Edge Scoping with some updated text.
      • Team to review and provide comments.

Agenda to be finalized 24 hrs. before each meeting.

Folks are requested to review the contributions and come prepared with questions.

Apr 09, 2018
  1. Housekeeping:
    1. use case sub committee list subscription for addressing email distribution issues –

      use case sub committee link (

    2. target dates for input to use case/architecture sub-committee from a Casablanca perspective
  2. Any additional contributions to discuss from the contributions section?
    1. Make progress on Edge Scope - child page.

ZOOM Recording: zoom_0.mp4

Meeting Notes:

  1. Housekeeping
    1. Informed the team through email
    2. Target Dates:
      1. April 30th for Use Case sub committee update about functional requirements for Casablanca and beyond
      2. May 15th for Architecture sub committee update about any changes to the functional/reference architecture for Casablanca and beyond
  2. Contributions:
    1. Distinction between Akraino and this work - question from Margaret Chiosi
      1. Akraino is an integration project using an opinionated edge stack based on certain open source components.
      2. This effort in ONAP would treat Akraino as another type of edge cloud and managed though ONAP Multi Cloud and other ONAP relevant components.
    2. Edge Scoping discussion
      1. Priorities for Casablanca – initial thoughts captured in the Edge Scoping wiki
      2. Need to differentiate between 3rd party and operator provided applications – differentiate along real-time and non-real-time and application characteristics – input from Vimal 
      3. MEC_Apps_ONS2018_Rev1.1.pdf was briefly mentioned by Vimal Begwani as an example of a 3rd party edge app (e.g. pothole fixer app) including relevant MEC APIs; Follow up action: Request Prakash Ramchandran to present work in one of the call.
    3. Edge_ONAP_WG_v4.pdf (updated deck) from Srinivasa Addepalli
      1. Edge Deployment/Functional Architecture diagram (slide nos. 7,8, 9) provide initial context for this work. (what diagram to add in Edge Scoping wiki?)
      2. For scalability, there was a discussion about child ONAP with a subset of ONAP components.
      3. Edge Requirements - initial thoughts in slides 4, 5 - Vimal Begwani, Cagatay Buyukkoc to review and expand.
Apr 16, 2018
  1. Differentiate between 3rd party and operator provided applications  – input from Vimal Begwani
  2. Differentiate along real-time and non-real-time and application characteristics – input from Vimal Begwani
  3. Edge Requirements - input from Vimal Begwani & Cagatay Buyukkoc
  4. Complete discussion Edge_ONAP_WG_v4.pdf for Edge Architecture - Srinivasa Addepalli

Zoom Recording: zoom_0.mp4

Meeting Notes:

What diagram to add in Edge Scoping wiki? - item 2.C.I from last session - see gliffy diagram in Edge Scoping page

1 and 2: Vimal provided review of table in Edge Scoping page for application classification.

3: updated gliffy diagram to reflect input from Vimal's diagram

4: Clarified demarcation between Cloud Provider and ONAP offload in slides. Also, suggested we use gliffy in wiki as one diagram to work on.

Apr 23, 2018

Review updated Gliffy Arch diagram and Notes below gliffy (also, need to update gliffy with apps locations)

Review Infrastructure Profile descriptions from Srinivasa Addepalli and Vimal Begwani

TBD - Review of MEC_Apps_ONS2018_Rev1.1.pdf by Prakash Ramchandran

1) Reviewed gliffy, notes below gliffy, and, applications table

  • Shekar Sundaramurthy: for minimum viable - could let it be decided at run time via OOF
  • Yoav Kluger: 2 dimensions - (1) apps location based on requirements, and (2) onap functions closer to edge
    • Vimal Begwani: apps = think as VNFC
    • So, VNFC → IaaS requirements from cloud provider Business Unit
    • hence, one output of this work is to define additional IaaS from Cloud Provider for Edge deployment
      • Alexander Vul - need to model Service Components in a way to allow for internal and external domain resources for IaaS
      • Parviz Yegani - need to consider work as part of external api work...when API to external partners.
    • Also, second output: onap-edge workload functions needed

Yoav Kluger: why limit to 500ms/use case 1?

Yoav Kluger - for e2e requirements, need to consider using policies vs service design

Parviz Yegani - for RT vs NRT: need tight coordination between domains?

  • Vimal Begwani- SP determines choice of domain based on meeting various requirements

Arash Hekmat

  • APIs imply going thru multi-cloud? (raghu clarified that the current multi-cloud work is to be the 'adapter' interface between onap components and rest of the world)
  • Edge-to-Edge? (raghu clarified that currently the thinking is it is sufficient via central onap)
  • DCAE hierarchy? (as vimal clarified, any cloud provider can be used to host onap components,...but, we didn't want to corrupt the diagram with too many repetitive details)

2) Srinivasa Addepalli reviewed Infrastructure Profiles in Edge Scoping page

  • reviewed "large" profile as example
  • ramki krishnan
    • OVS-dpdk? (srini clarified that profile example is specific to akraino.)
    • DVR for VM<>container networking? for same VNF? (srini clarified that either can be relevant)
  • Parviz Yegani - networking by onap? (raghu clarified - yes, sdn-c is responsible for endpoints within domain for underlay, but openstack/k8 responsible for sr-iov/ovs aspects. Also, ramki clarified need for intra- vs inter- cloud configuration)
  • Tom Tofigh - UPF (5G) for forwarding pipeline. But, we don't have SSD or memory fabric to support certain services for UE. Tom gave example of 1 RU of ssd, 1RU of GPU, 1 RU of RAM, etc...and, the edge node is composed for use by UE. So, as example, ephemeral vs long lived storage, etc. offered as part of service using the edge compute node.
  • Vimal Begwani - need to keep requirements general (vs akraino specific?), different implementations can support it.

3) Cagatay Buyukkoc briefly reviewed Edge Automationissues.pptx - need to discuss more

April 30th, 2018

Review updated Gliffy Arch diagram and Notes below gliffy (also, need to update gliffy with apps locations)

Review Infrastructure Profile descriptions summarized Vimal Begwani

Review of MEC_Apps_ONS2018_Rev1.1.pdf by Prakash Ramchandran / Prem Sankar Gopannan

Review of MEC_Apps_ONS2018_Rev1.1.pdf by Prakash Ramchandran / Prem Sankar Gopannan

  • The presentation explained different types of APIs - Admin and User APIs - from the perspective of cloud provider's internal operations. It remains to be seen if these would be used by a ONAP service provider
  • Also, it did not consider separation of a cloud provider from a ONAP service provider

Reviewed Infrastructure Profile summary and Gliffy Diagram in Edge Scoping

  • After the call, two "ONAP activity goals" were captured in the edge infrastructure profile summary and ONAP edge automation sections
May 7th, 2018

Hierarchical DCAE - Lusheng Ji, Vijay Venkatesh Kumar

High level review of Multi-Cloud use cases - Distributed Edge Cloud Infrastructure Enablement in ONAP

  1. Reviewed status of work done - used Edge Scoping to briefly review sections/content

  2. Hierarchical DCAE - (link to ppt to be updated later)
    • Subset of components needed in an edge was discussed
    • Control agent (Consul) is used to tie parent/child instances
    • DMaaP bus allowed exchange of events/notifications/etc to parent
    • Shekar Sundaramurthy - one ONAP instance? yes, assumed for this discussion
    • Srinivasa Addepalli - additional "apps" could be non-onap, eg., Prometheus? yes, possible
  3. Reviewed gliffy/arch
    • Explained ONAP-central <> ONAP-edge, ie., onap-edge instance shown in figure aligned with 'edge cloud' used in figure. Clarified that other edge domains can be with onap-edge as well if needed
    • Yoav Kluger - would be useful to clarify with a simpler/higher level view showing additional onap-edge instances, etc. Also, maybe multiple views for different aspects. (To be followed up with Yoav for what is needed)
  4. (Post call notes) ramki krishnan attended OOM call on May 9th. Recommendation from OOM team is to consider separate ONAP-edge instances. So, included a new 'panel' with the feedback from OOM call in Edge Scoping wiki page.
May 14th, 2018

1) Evgeniy Zhukov et al., Netcracker – AR/VR Use Case:

  • Inter edge cloud interface;
  • Exposure concept; and
  • Clear separation of Packet and Application processing on the same compute edge cloud resources.

2) Complete architecture discussion on single vs multiple ONAP instances, i.e. ONAP central vs ONAP edge.

1) Evgeniy Zhukov et al., Netcracker – AR/VR Use Case

- Edge cloud as ‘black box’ with interfaces (UNI/NNI in DP, NBI in mgmt plane), with control plane having slice manager/controller/MEC-manager/etc..

- raghu/ clarified that CP’s internal ‘control/mgmt’ plane is not discussed….although there are onap components which are not relevant for edge cloud provider

- Tom Tofigh - functional arch has useful distinction between pack/app processing so can consider specifying acceleration in edge for compute-intensive/storage-intensive/memory-intensive….but, capture in ONAP’s IaaS/PaaS API? object vs packet switching? Analytics on bigger address space? 

- animation to change network topology in order to support AR/VR meeting requirements, etc.

- problem statement need clarity, ie., AR/VR app will make sure or Edge-domain provider or ONAP-provider? So, upcoming telecom model shown with 3 entities: Bus App / Slice Provider / Infra Provider

- Parviz: who is responsible for AR SLA? ONAP needs to coordinate with Edge Provider? need to clarify relationship in context of our ONAP-SP <> Edge Cloud Provider

- Tom: Slice app provider will manage the slice to meet SLA, etc.

- Raghu: maybe good to bring it to 5G-use case calls? Ramki suggests this could be about ‘application slice’. Parviz asks if ONAP arch needs to change even with MEC manager? maybe the key point is SLA for e2e and how onap is going to split between multiple domains like edge clouds, etc.

2) Complete architecture discussion on single vs multiple ONAP instances, i.e. ONAP central vs ONAP edge.

- triggered arch discussions on separate ONAP instance

- Srini: need to generalize term to ‘automation offload platform’?

- yoav: need to understand whether ‘separate onap instance’, ie., may not want SO, etc.? may not want it to be ‘MVP’ since onap-central is MVP+.

- Gil Hellmann: minimum services/functionality at edge needed…vs using a term like MVP. maybe limited by power/space, etc. Also, even without onap functions, those edge nodes need connectivity.

-  shankar Narayanan: MVP - similar classification of workflows needed? sequence diagram started…but, need to work on. map the workflows that are part of the functional deliverables in R1/R2 and mapping to the edge. Also, scope of edge to meet S3P, eg., violating/meeting?

- chaker: more than one central onap? eg., VF OpCos - given service context, there is one ONAP-central SP, with rest are ‘cloud providers’, etc. Need to add such an example diagram.

- Yoav: ONAP-edge need to talk to multiple onap-cental….but, we need to start small. so, we don’t restrict to 1:1 for onap-edge to onap-central. within same SP, there can be inventory-sync, etc. For casablanca, we may start with 1:1

- shankar N: sharing of inventory - depends on what workflow is partitioned between central/edge. This might drive how we scope MVP.

3) Finalize minimum viable needed ONAP edge for Casablanca

- ramki showed bullets in ‘edge scoping’ page

- raghu suggested using shankar’s suggestion on workflows to decide additional components, eg., if needing state change, will be a request back to Cloud Provider or use a SDN-C for the ‘slice’ to change networking state, etc.

- Parviz: need closed loop? so, clamp, policy, etc.?

- need top down steps such as (a) what state changes, (b) what workflows, and, (c) what onap components.

- VNF —> VES Collector —> sub-function of DCAE, ie., look up policy and which topic, action on which topic, pre-configured rules.

- Parviz: IoT Hub? yes, architecture allows this. Also, app profiles includes cases when onap-managed or non-managed

May 21st, 2018

1) Preparation for Chris Donley's OpenStack key note which includes few slides on ONAP Edge Cloud – plan to list participant company logos. Chris may use some slides from the latest TSC update deck - ONAP-edge-automation-wg-tsc-update-05-10-2018.pptx

2) Finalize minimum viable needed ONAP edge for Casablanca
Please review the section on MVP Edge Scoping

1) Ramki: Announced Preparation for Chris Donley's OpenStack key note which includes few slides on ONAP Edge Cloud;

Interested Participants to send their company logos by tomorrow morning PST.

2) review MVP

- Sekar: what is an ‘instance’? confusion as to why call instance when subset of onap components

  • Sekar to make suggestions on alternative names

- Pasi: time sensitive events then you have to place close enough, etc. As fyi, Akraino discussions had at least 4 presentations mentioning need for some components to be based on time sensitive event management. Now, we don’t have VNFM, for example, to do LCM of VNFs. For example, failover management might need a closed loop.

  • ramki clarified using app profile table about RT case avoiding onap component in the path.
  • raghu clarified that option c in mvp includes policy/closed loop)

- Pasi: closed loop requires VNFM/controller in edge domain (?)

- Pasi: app profile table is missing even smaller timescales such as RAN fronthaul

- Raghu: clarified that most of SLS for infra would be part of IaaS request, eg., link, server failure, etc.

- Pasi: to put together slides for discussion be app profile and closed loop to decide on additional onap-edge components

Future Calls

Potential Topics

  1. Finalize minimum viable needed ONAP edge for Casablanca
  2. Complete architecture and sequence gliffy diagrams
  3. Finalize multi-cloud use cases and updates to APIs
    1. Initial authentication and connectivity with edge cloud provider (via external API project?
    2. Subsequent IaaS request and onboard ONAP components (via Multi Cloud API project?)
  4. Determine any additional (horizontal between SPs/CPs) external API impact