Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Any change of the validation/violation data being pushed to elasticsearch? 
  • violationDetails (which tells what is really different) need to be parsed (using logstash) or sent/stored by search-service (see the sample event below)? Kibana cannot use such nested info in the visualizations.
  • Any other meta-data useful? e.g., who invoked the validation (user, dept) 
  • "(audit) Time elapsed from orchestration time" would be useful? to get an idea when the instance content would drift from the intended info.

  (Note) Below are the sample validation and violation events currently stored in ES.

Image Modified                      Image Modified

2. Dashboard Ideas


(Note) One dashboard type could need multiple dashboard pages depending on the amount of visualizations.

Dashboard TypeDescription (What To Want to See)Required Information To Show (Visualizations)
1Overall Audit MonitorAs a general admin, I want to see the whole platform integrity - health status in terms of all validation rules configured
  • validation total count for the specified time period
  • violation total count for the specified time period
  • validation count over time (trend)
  • violation count over time (trend)
  • violation count by validation rule
  • violation count by rule severity
  • audit KPI trend: daily violation metric against total validation count (weighted measure considering the severity level)
  • validation list
  • violation list
2Overall Audit Analysis

What kind of validations mostly executed against which models

What kind of violations mostly occur in which components

  • validation stats (e.g., validationId or serviceInstanceId count) by modelInvariantId and modelVersionId
  • which models made how many violations of which type
  • violation stats by validation model, rule, etc.
3Individual Audit AnalysisGiven a validation job, the user wants to see and quickly recognize all relevant violations detected by POMBA
  • validation details and
  • related violation details on the same page
  • (stretch) given the same type of validation job, can we retrieve the historical violation results to give an idea if this is really unusual case or it used to happen?
4Violation Analysis
what kind of violations mostly occur in which components
  • violation stats by validation type
  • violation stats by validation rule
for Network Discovery

For the specific use cases of Network Discovery, the user wants to see the audit stats

  • TBD
5Violation Summary ReportProvide a list of summary list for the validation and violation cases for any potential fixes
  • list of current violations that contain useful info helping to raise/fix any issues
5Violation Analysis for Network Discovery

Supportable Features

  • Provide links to move back and forth across the dashboards: e.g., from the violation page to the page displaying its validation info
