Versions Compared


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POMBA will include the functionality of validating processed data against Data Dictionary tool.

POMBA will specify APIs which it will be able to consume to integrate with Data Dictionary.  Data Dictionary itself is not part of POMBA sub-components.


Code Block
POST /commonModelElements/{commonModelElementId}/validateInstance
Operation: validateInstance
            validates whether an instance conforms to a type (for example: a value conforms to the
            constraints of an attribute type, or, one or more rows of values conforms to the constraints
            of an instance table)
 Inputs commonModelElementId: identifies the entity defining the constraints as
Inputs (JSON body variables):
            { "instance": instanceSchema }
            where instanceSchema is the instance to be validated
            on success: status code 204
            on failure: status code 400 with json array of error messages: [ errorMessage ]
                        other failure status codes may be returned if for instance the proxy
                        is down (503)
                  Note: a pointer to a file containing the validation errors will be returned;
                        if less than 1Meg of validation errors occur, they will also be returned
                        in the error message array
Sample Request:
POST /commonModelElements/instance~nfValuesCatalog~1.0/validateInstance HTTP/1.1
  “instance”: [
      "LineofBusiness": "string",
      "NFFunction": "string",
      "NFNamingCode": "string",
      "NFRole": "string",
      "NFType": "string",
      "NFCFunction": "string",
      "NFCNamingCode": "string",
      "OwningEntity": "string"
Sample Success Response:
   HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Sample Error Response:
    HTTP/1.1 400
   content-type: application/json
    "error message 1"


Code Block
POST /commonModelElements/{commonModelElementId}/getInstanceTableRowsWithMatchingColumns 

 Operation: getInstanceTableRows
             returns an array of instance table rows containing the column values provided 
             as input
  Inputs (pathstring variables):  
             commonModelElementId: identifies the instance table as 'instance~instName~version'
  Inputs (JSON body variables): 
             { "columnKey1": "columnValueToMatch1", "columnKey2": "columnValueToMatch2" }
             where as many column keys as necessary must be supplied and the match is done
             as an AND across all key values (i.e., all key values must match)
             on success: status code 200 with [ instanceTableRows ]
             on failure: status code 400 with json array of error messages: [ errorMessage ]
                         other failure status codes may be returned if for instance the proxy 
                         is down (503)

Sample Request:
POST /commonModelElements/instance~nfValuesCatalog~1.0/getInstanceTableRowsWithMatchingColumns 
  "NFRole": "NF-ROLE-A",
  "NFType": "NF-TYPE-A",

Sample Success Response:

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 content-type: application/json

    "LineofBusiness": "string",
    "NFFunction": "string",
    "NFNamingCode": "string",
    "NFRole": "NF-ROLE-A",
    "NFType": "NF-TYPE-A",
    "NFCFunction": "string"
    "LineofBusiness": "string",
    "NFFunction": "string",
    "NFNamingCode": "string",
    "NFRole": "NF-ROLE-A",
    "NFType": "NF-TYPE	-A",
    "NFCFunction": "string"

Sample Error response:
HTTP/1.1 400 
content-type:   application/json 
    "error message 1",
    "error message 2"