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Deliverable NameDeliverable Description
Source code and REST API

The entire source code for the MUSIC service and the PROM recipe and

the corresponding REST API to access it.

Compilation scripts

Script to generate the MUSIC war and jar file that

can be deployed in the Apache Tomcat webserver

Installation guide

Document that describes how MUSIC can be installed

in containers

Tool description

Complete description of the inner workings of MUSIC and

how it performs state management

Basic BenchmarksBasic performance benchmarks for the MUSIC operations
API documentationREST API documentation in Swagger
Test CasesJunit test cases covering sufficient parts of MUSIC code
Design Document for MUSIC Federation

Provide the design to make MUSIC a fully sharded, scale out system, where as many

ONAP sites/component replicas can be added as required for performance. 

Design Document for RDBMS Support

Provide the design to allow MUSIC to support database (RDBMS) clustering across sites

using the mdbc recipe wherein ONAP components that require it can continue using a SQL database

within a site while using MUSIC is as the underlying transport layer across sites, with much better performance than standard solutions like Gallera clustering. 





Waiting for project approval
API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)
MUSIC APIThe REST API used to store state and manage access to it through a locking service.Done.Done.
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