Versions Compared


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  • Multi-Cloud Policy Framework
    • Assist OOF in target cloud region selection for VNF placement (aka homing) by summarizing cloud-specific capability, capacity & cost metrics (e.g. VMs could have different cost in different clouds, Infra HA for VMs in a VNF could have different cost in different clouds)
      • Cloud Agnostic Intent (Policy) Execution Workflow  - Steps 1- 6

    • Dynamically modify the cloud specific VNF deployment template based on cloud-specific realization of the specified intent  Eintent (e.g. Infra HA for VMs within a VNF could have different realizations across different clouds)
      • Cloud Agnostic Intent (Policy) Execution Workflow  - Step 7

  • Intent Support

    • Single realization option per Cloud Region for the specified Intent

  • Major Impact Projects:
    • Multi-Cloud (Highest), OOF
  • Minor Impact Projects:
    • A&AI, SO
  • End-to-end use case demonstration:
    • vCPE, 5G?vDNS

Phase 2 Summary (Build on Phase 1 Work):


(warning) The sequence diagram below expands "Multi-Cloud/VNFM Deploy Apps" in Edge Scoping Sequence Diagram

Cloud Agnostic Intent (Policy) Execution Workflow Summary:

Gliffy Diagram
nameCloud Agnostic Intent Execution Workflow

Follow up :

  • Policy DB – is there any restriction on json objects store? - Matti to follow up with Ankit
  • Current R2 support – single VF module (VNFC) assumption per VNF for vCPE - follow up with Kang Xi to validate


  • Pre-defined (including custom) flavors map to Instance types in Public Clouds
    • Pre-defined flavors are created by the Cloud Admin before the Cloud is used by ONAP for workload deployment

 VNFC to Instance Type Mapping

VNFC to Instance Type Mapping


5. MC →  OOF – Return a net value cost for each <cloud owner, cloud region> if the capacity check succeeds

6a) OOF Processing - cloud_net_value input in Multi-objective Optimization (need OOF code changes)


- the cost of deploying the VNF in a location - the service designer assigns a weight for the cost: wc

OOF optimizes optimization function: min (wd*distance + wc*cloud_net_value)


7. SO → MC - Deploy VNF template in the target <cloud owner, cloud region> for the Service Instance

7a) MC Processing (need MC code changes)MC Inter-Cloud Placement (aka Homing) Policy 

7a1) Fetch MC Workload Deployment Policy (Intent)

For R3, this policy is stored in the form of configuration file(s) in the OOM K8S Persistent Volumes to simplify implementation.

Code Block
titleMC Inter-Cloud Placement (aka Homing) Workload Deployment Policy
			"name": "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF", 
				//realization thru OpenStack-based: anti-affinity, Azure: Fault Domain or
    			//Different anti-affinity models from ETSI -- host-level, rack-level, availability zone level
				//max-count in heat template - scale out factor
				//server-group in heat template - usable thru API and CLI in OpenStack, VMware VIO
			"name": "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF", 
				// realization possible without dedicating CPU and Memory, refer to section on "Cloud Resource Partitioning for Differentiated QoS" 
				// on how this can help in offering tiered services
				{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}
				//{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}, {"operator", "OR"}, {"Guaranteed QoS": "TRUE"}
				// VMware VIO - tenant VDC CLI and API - configure the appropriate settings per tenant
				// Burstable QoS is specified through min guarantee (part of flavor metadata -- 
Code Block
titleMC Workload Deployment Policy
		"vgw", //"vgw" is also intechangeably used as "vg"	
	//By default, Policy (Intent) is applicable to all cloud owners/regions unless specified.
			"name": "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF", 
				//OpenStack-based Cloud realization thru OpenStack
					//For R3, Host-based: anti-affinity, Azure:using Faultserver Domain or
					//DifferentBeyond R3, Support other anti-affinity models from ETSI -- host-level, rack-level, at availability zone level etc.
				//max-countNote: instance "count" in heat template -specifies VNFC scale out factor
 out factor
				//Azure realization
					//server-group in heat template - usable thru API and CLI in OpenStackFault Domain?
		"cloudOwner": "VMware VIO", //can be a specific cloud owner such as Azure, VMware VIO, Wind River Titanium Cloud etc.
			"name": "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF", 
				// realization possible without dedicating CPU and Memory, refer to section on "Cloud Resource Partitioning for Differentiated QoS" 
				// on how this can help in offering tiered services
				{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}
				//{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}, {"operator", "OR"}, {"Guaranteed QoS": "TRUE"}
				// VMware VIO - tenant VDC CLI and API - configure the appropriate settings per tenant
				// Burstable QoS is specified through min guarantee (part of flavor metadata -- 


OOF → Multi-VIM/Cloud Policy API - Other
