Name of Use Case:       

Residential Broadband vCPE

Use Case Authors:

Amdocs, AT&T, Huawei, Intel, Orange, Wind River


Technical Report 317 (TR-317) from the Broadband Forum specifies a "Network Enhanced Residential Gateway" (NERG) that can be used by service providers (SP) to deploy residential broadband services including High Speed Internet access, IPTV and VoIP services. A new device type named BRG (Bridged Residential Gateway) is defined, as well as a functionality split between what it would run and what a virtual function instantiated in the SP's cloud, called vG, will run. This functionality split allows for the introduction of new services not possible with the existing whole-physical residential gateway. It also saves operational cost with less changes / truck roll in and to the customer residence would be needed. 

Key for this use case is:

  • ONAP will be used to instantiate, configure and manage the vCPE service as a cloud service that may be collocated with other subscriber services such as vSTB, cloud DVR and VoD-streaming vCDN.
  • SDN is used to configure the connectivity with the first mile network, the IP subscriber management and service edge networking. Potentially in the future, dynamic service chaining to value-add services (e.g. security, parental control, home automation IoT).

The full details for this this new residential gateway can be found in the BBF report. For ONAP Amsterdam Release (Nov 2017) a subset of the full functionality of TR-317 will be included in the VNFs implementing the vCPE use case; but the ONAP behavior for the use case will be mostly what will be expected from ONAP in a production network.

The diagram above depicts the R1 vCPE use case (with the exception of the home networks on the left which will not be part of the tested use case). The IP addresses and VLAN numbers are for illustration purposes, the actual values may be different in the final set up. In particular, IPv6 addresses may be used in place of IPv4 10.x.x.x in the above.

Users and Benefit:

      • Residential users benefit from subscriber specific cloud services and automation that does not need truck roll installation, local configuration and management of LAN/NAT/WAN/VPN networking.
      • Authenticated subscribers may access similar broadband services outside the home residence using other wireline or wireless access networks.
      • SPs benefit from a more flexible platform to evolve residential broadband services that do not depend on the lifecycles of provided home devices (e.g. STB, WiFi access router, modem etc…)

Virtual Network Functions:


Code / Vendor



Open Source:

  • VPP + modification by Intel

BNG: Broadband Network Gateway

Includes subscriber session management, traffic aggregation and routing, and policy / QoS.


Open Source:

  • VPP + modification by Intel

Virtual Gateway Multiplexer

- the entry point of the vG hosting interface
- responsible for mapping a subscriber to a vG

vG, including DHCP

Open Source:

  • VPP + modification by Intel

DHCP Server source: ISC

Virtual Gateway

Provides basic routing capabilities and service selection for residential services.

BRG Emulator

VPP + modification by Intel

Bridged Residential Gateway Emulator

VPP based software used as the BRG emulator for the use case

Goal for future releases:

Monitoring of metrics and alarms of the BRG and automated action. Example policy based on monitoring:

-       Automatic reboot of the BRG because of high load (CPU).


Open Source:

    • FreeRADIUS
Access authentication and authorization.



    • ISC

Instance 1: BRG WAN IP address assignment

Instance 2: vG WAN IP address assignment



    • BIND
Domain name resolution



Code / Vendor

NFVI+VIM requirement



    • Wind River (Titanium Cloud)
NFV Infrastructure and Virtual Infrastructure Management system that is compatible with ONAP Release 1.

Use Case Order of Activation

The assumed order of operations for the run time use case experience is as follows:

  1. Via VID, user (Robot) will request ONAP to create an instance of the GenInfra Service
  2. Via VID, user (Robot) will request ONAP to create an instance of the BNG_MUX Service (a network only service).
  3. Via VID, user (Robot) will request ONAP to create an instance of the vGMuxInfra Service.
  4. Via VID, user (Robot) will request ONAP to create an instance of the vBngInfra Service.

    At this point all required infrastructure is in place to accept a customer service request. In real life such a request will come to the BSS portal, and one of the things done there is initiation of a shipment order of a physical BRG to the customer. In the use case we emulate the physical box with a VNF called BRG_EMU.

  5. Via Robot, request ONAP to create an instance of the BRG emulator, the BRG_EMU Service. What happens behind the scenes is the following (see flow diagram further below):
    1. BRG Emulator comes up and issues a DHCP Discover request for its WAN i/f
      • The request contains option 125 (BBF) with sub-option NERG Device Type (24) with string "BRG"
      • For the demo - the request will include option 82 as if entered by an AN
    2. vBNG intercepts the DHCP request, stores it, and issues a Radius Access-Request with the DHCP request options to vAAA
    3. vAAA sends  the Access-Accept back to vBNG
    4. Upon receiving the accept vBNG restores the DHCP request and relays it to vDHCP
    5. vDHCP sends a DHCP Offer with the BRG WAN IP
    6. BRG Emulator sends a DHCP rquest with its WAN IP address
    7. vBNG snoops the request and relays it to vDHCP
    8. vDHCP sends a DHCP Ack to BRG, and issues an event on DMaaP that a new address has been provided to a BRG
    9. SDNC consumes this event and creates a PNF object in A&AI with the MAC and IP addresses of the BRG
    10. A&AI issues an event on DMaaP announcing that a new PNF has been created
    11. A BSS emulator implemented in Robot consumes this event
  6. Robot, now acting as a BSS emulator, requests ONAP to create an instance of the vCpeResCust Service.
    1. As part of the ONAP flow of this request (appears further below), SDNC looks up in A&AI the PNF object that was created in step h above, from which it learns the WAN IP address of BRG_EMU
    2. SDNC creates a new TunnelXC entry in vG_MUX 
    3. SDNC configures BRG_EMU (using its WAN IP address) with the address of vG_MUX and the VNI value for tunneling (SDNC knows this address because SDNC assigned it prior to vG_MUX stand up).
  7. BRG Emulator creates a new VxLAN tunnel interface over its WAN interface using its WAN IP as the local address and the configured vG_MUX IP as the remote address.

The newly created tunnel i/f will be used for all communications between BRG Emulator and its pair vG. Below is the frame format of packets sent inside this tunnel:

VXLAN Packet Format

Fields description going from right to left in the figure above:

      • Original L2 Frame consists of the whole packet that should eventually arrive in vG, starting from the original MAC header. 
      • VXLAN Header: This is an 8-byte (64-bit) field that includes the following fields:
        • Flags: 8 bits in length, where the 5th bit (I flag) is set to 1 to indicate a valid VNI. The remaining 7 bits (R bits) are reserved fields and are set to zero
        • Reserved fields must all be set to 0 when sending and ignored when receiving. 
        • VNI: 24-bit value that provides a unique identifier for the individual VXLAN segment. 
      • Outer UDP Header: The source port in the outer UDP header is dynamically assigned by the originating VTEP (BRG Emulator or vG_MUX) and the destination port is the well-known UDP port 4789.
      • Outer IP Header: The outer IP header has a source IP address of the source VTEP (when sent by BRG Emulator - its WAN IP) . The outer destination IP address is the IP address of the destination VTEP (when sent by BRG Emulator - the vG_MUX IP).
      • Outer MAC Header: The outer Ethernet header has a source MAC address of the VTEP (when sent by BRG Emulator - its MAC addr on its WAN i/f). The destination MAC address is the MAC address of the routing next-hop to reach the destination VTEP (when sent by BRG Emulator - the MAC addr of vBNG on its interface facing BRG Emulator)

The role of vG_MUX is to terminate VXLAN tunnels (typically utilizing public IP addresses) and relay packet to/from local vGs over newly created VxLAN tunnels. To this end vG_MUX maintains a XC tabel of the following format: <Remote VTEP IP, VNI>. vG_MUX uses this table as follows:

BRG Emulator → vG direction:

      • When a packet arrives, vG_MUX looks up in its XC table an entry in which the arriving 2-tupple: <src_VTEP, VNI> matches < BRG_WAN_IP_ADDRESS, VNI>
      • If found, vG_MUX replaces the <dst_VTEP> filed in the packet with the <vG_IP_ADDRESS> field in the found entry, the <src_VTEP> with its own "right" ip address, leaves all other fields intact, and sends the packet to the vG.
      • If not found ( normally should not happen), the packet is discarded, and a counter counting such events is incremented. In future releases we may consider issuing an SNMP trap in such situations.

vG → BRG Emulator direction:

      • When a packet arrives, vG_MUX looks up an entry in which the arriving 2-tupple: <VMI, src_VTEP> matches <VNI, vG_IP_ADDRESS>. 
      • If found, vG_MUX replaces the <dst_VTEP> filed in the packet with the <BRG_WAN_IP_ADDRESS> field in the found entry, the <src_VTEP> with its own "left" ip address, leaves all other fields intact, and sends the packet to the BRG.
      • If not found ( normally should not happen), the packet is discarded, and a counter counting such events is incremented. In future releases we may consider issuing an SNMP trap in such situations.

The first transaction that uses the VxLAN tunnel is the BRG Emulator's request to get its own IP address for its LAN interface, as follows:

      • BRG Emulator sends a DHCP Discover packet for its LAN i/f to its pair vG (inside the VxLAN tunnel).
      • vG_MUX gets the packet and tries to find the corresponding entry in its XC table. Since this is the very first packet of this kind such entry is not found; vG_MUX creates a corresponding entry (see above) and forwards the packet to vG
      • vG sends a DHCP Offer with an address its DHCP server assigns to BRG Emulator's LAN i/f (from
      • vG_MUX encapsulates the packet properly, and sends it over the corresponding VxLAN tunnel.
      • BRG Emulator sends a DHCP request with the offered address to vG (inside the tunnel)
      • vG_MUX forwards the packet to vG
      • vG sends a DHCP ACK 
      • vG_MUX encapsulates the packet properly, and sends it over the corresponding VxLAN tunnel.

Once BRG Emulator gets the ACK it is ready to start serving the home network.

ONAP Flows:

Modeling vCPE Residential Broadband Services 

The vCPE use case consists of several VNFs and networks that can be thought of as Resources which fall into two categories:

1. Infrastructure - These Resources are deployed prior to any customer request for an instance of vCPE Residential Broadband service.  These VNFs and networks are assumed to be up and running and ready when a customer order is received.  Some of this infrastructure (e.g,. the vGMUX VNF) may be dedicated to supporting vCPE Residential Broadband service instances, and others (e.g., the vDHCP VNF) may provide shared functionality across many service types.  We will refer to the latter as "Core Infrastructure". 

2. Customer - These Resources are dedicated to a particular customer service instance, and hence are instantiated on a per vCPE Residential Broadband service customer request basis.

Because the Infrastructure Resources support many vCPE Residential Broadband service instances, and because the Core Infrastructure Resources provide support for perhaps many service types, it is appropriate to think of these as collectively providing various underlying "Services" to a higher order customer Service.  We will model these Resources accordingly as being comprised of Infrastructure Services which support the vCPE Residential Broadband Customer Service.

Infrastructure Services Modeling

In the "real world", the vDHCP, vAAA, and vDNS+DHCP functions would each be deployed separate of each other.  However, because as "Core Infrastructure" they provide only a generic supporting function for this use case and are not integral to the purposes of this use" case, it is less critical that we model these functions as we would find them in the "real world".  Hence we will take this opportunity to demonstrate a more complex VNF by modeling this functionality as a single VNF comprised of three VMs, packaged into a single HEAT template. 

We will model a vCpeCoreInfra_Heat Service that is comprised of this complex VNF as well as two networks:, the "CPE_PUBLIC" and the "CPE_SIGNAL" networks.  Thus, a request into ONAP to create a new instance of vCpeCoreInfra_Heat Service in a particular cloud region will result in an instance of the CPE_PUBLIC network and the CPE_SIGNAL networks being instantiated in that cloud region using the CPE_PUBLIC_HEAT and CPE_SIGNAL_HEAT HEAT templates respectively, as well as an instance of the single VNF being instantiated in that cloud region using the single VNF HEAT template.

From a modeling perspective we will leverage the concept of "VF Module" (analogous to the concept of ETSI Virtual Deployment Unit, or VDU) to capture the "unit of deployment" within a multi-VM VNF.  Thus, we will model the this HEAT template as a single vCpeCoreInfraVnfs_H VF Module.

In the "real world" the network between the BNG and the vGMUX would likely be a shared network that multiple BNGs could use to communicate to multiple vGMUXs, and hence it is reasonable to model that network as not being part of the same Service (and Service instance) as the BNG or the vGMUX.  Hence we will model it as a separate Service which can be instantiated in a given cloud region independently of, but of course prior to, the VNF instantiation.

The network between the BRG and the BNG is specific to a particular BNG instance, and thus it is reasonable to model it as part of the same Service (and Service instance) as the BNG.

In the "real world", each instance of the Customer Service will be comprised of: 

  • A BRG, which will be a physical device (PNF) dedicated to the customer's service instance.
  • A vG, which is a virtual network function that is dedicated to the customer's service instance.
  • A "slice" of functionality of the vGMUX, which provides a "cross connect" function between the BRG and vG.  We use the term "slice" informally to convey the sense that something (capacity) is consumed and dedicated (configuration record) in the vGMUX for this customer's service instance.  The way in which SDC models a "slice" of functionality of a VNF is through the "Allotted Resource" construct, because what is being consumed by the customer's service instance is an "allotment" of capacity and configuration from the underlying vGMUX.  We will refer to this as the TunnelXConn Allotted Resource.

Because in this sense the vGMUX is providing a "service" an allotment of which is being consumed, we consider the TunnelXConn Allotted Resource to be taken from the vGMUX's Infrastructure Service, vGMuxInfra. 

Though in the "real world" the BRG will be a physical device, for purposes of this use case we will emulate such a physical device via a VNF, the vBRG_EMU VNF.  We will instantiate this VNF separately from the Customer's service instance, and model it as a separate service: BRG_EMU Service.  Upon instantiation of a BRG_EMU service instance with its vBRG_EMU VNF, that VNF will begin acting like its "real world" PNF counterpart. 

As a Release 1 ONAP "stretch goal", we will also attempt to demonstrate how a standalone general TOSCA Orchestrator can be incorporated into SO to provide the "cloud resource orchestration" functionality without relying on HEAT orchestration to provide this functionality.  As such we will model the "vCpeCoreInfra" Service in a manner that does not leverage HEAT templates, but rather as pure TOSCA. 

Note: All detailed flows (with diagrams) are for R1. Flows planned for subsequent releases are tagged as "aspiration" and are only mentioned, details will be added later.

Onboarding and Definition

Service Instantiation Flow

Generic Run Time Flows

For "simple" Services which include only simple networks and VNFs (e.g., with no multi-data instances that map to different VF Modules), there exists an SO “Generic Service” flow (“top level flow”) that spawns Resource Level VNF and/or Network sub-flows that are themselves "Generic".  By "Generic" we mean that the SO flows were built with no particular Service, VNF, or Network in mind, but are rather implemented in such a way to support many different Service, VNF, and Network types.  The SDC model drives which particular sub-flows to spawn and of which type, as well as driving the specific behavior of the Service level and Resource level flows. 

For such "simple" Services, the SDNC functionality is also “generic” such that only modeling and configuration is needed to drive SDNC behavior for a specific VNF type.  For example, the SDNC generic VNF flow can automatically assign IP Addresses from a pool that has been pre-loaded into SDNC.  E.g., pre-load 25 vG instances with their assignments pre-populated.  SDNC keeps track of which instances have/have not been assigned. 

It is expected that these SO and SDNC assets will be leveraged for most of the Services and Resources needed for the vCPE use case, though some custom flows will also be needed as per the following table:


Service Level Flow


Resource Level Flow

SDNC Northbound API



Generic Service

vCpeCoreInfraVnfs_X (VNF)

Generic VNF


Generic DG

CPE_PUBLIC (Network)

Generic Ntw


Generic DG

CPE_SIGNAL (Network)

Generic Ntw


Generic DG


Generic Service


Generic VNF


Generic DG

MUX_GW (Network)

Generic Ntw


Generic DG


Generic Service


Generic VNF


Generic DG

BRG_BNG (Network)

Generic Ntw


Generic DG


Generic Service

BNG_MUX (Network)

Generic Ntw


Generic DG


Generic Service


Generic VNF


Custom   Process (Event Handling)


Custom [New]

TunnelXConn (AR)

Custom [New]


Custom DG [New]

vG (VNF)

Generic VNF


Generic DG


Custom [New]


Custom DG [New]

The run time functionality of these generic flows is as follows:

Generic Service Instantiation Flow

Generic Resource Level flow for Networks

Generic Resource Level Flow for VNFs

The diagram below shows more detail of step 5 of the Use Case Order of Operation.  Note that only the "No BRG PNF Object" alternative flow is in scope for Release 1.  (I.e., in Release 1 the assumption is that the BRG PNF (emulated) will always be "plugged in" prior to the "customer service request" being released to ONAP.) 

For more details on the instantiation flows described at a high level above, see the attached PDF.

Other Flows

    • Aspiration goal: Cut service
    • Aspiration goal: Per service activation ( connectivity to Internet, IMS VoIP, IPTV)
    • Aspiration goal: Wholesale access (future)

    • Self-service
    • Aspiration goal: Tiered bandwidth
    • Aspiration goal: Bandwidth on Demand
    • Aspiration goal: Change internet access bandwidth

    • Software management
    • Aspiration goal: Upgrade service
    • Aspiration goal: Upgrade a specific element (VNF) of the service
    • Aspiration goal: Delete service

    • Scaling
    • Aspiration goal: Storage (future)

    • Auto-healing
      • Automatic reboot/restart

      • Aspiration goal: Rebuild
      • Aspiration goal: Migrate/evacuate to different CO Re-architected as DC (future)
      • Aspiration goal: Reconnect over an alternative path?

Project Impact:

      • Modeling
        To be discussed

      • SDC
        Add logic to use the new modeling when designing the service, and then distribute the resulting artifacts.

      • CLAMP
        Framework for policy design and distribution 

      • SO
        Add logic to understand the new artifacts; orchestrate/manage changes according to it.

      • SDNC
        Add logic to create the chaining, configuration, healing, etc.

      • DCAE
        Support statistics collection and receipt of events as per the new model; monitor connectivity and livelihood of the BRG_Emulator.

      • APPC, VF-C, and DCAE
        Support more complex control loops.

      • A&AI
        Support the new data model.

      • Policy
        Support new policy related to the service + the connectivity to the BRG_Emulator.

      • VNF SDK
        Support the ONAP VNF guidelines (blend from ECOMP and OPEN-O)

      • Integration
        Integrate, produce test cases, run the tests, verify the use case with the selected VNFs

Work Commitment:

Work ItemONAP Member

Amdocs, AT&T

SDCAmdocs, AT&T
SDNCAmdocs, AT&T
APPCAmdocs, AT&T
Multi-VIMWind River

VPP Based VNFs

BRG_Emulator, VBNG, vG_MUX, vG



Integration Team (question)

Use Case Subcommittee

Amdocs, AT&T, Intel, Orange, Wind River, more ?

Deliverables: Service definition, service detailed requirements, ONAP flow diagrams, service(s) model(s)

Note: Work commitment items indicate which ONAP Members have expressed interest and commitment to working on individual items. More than one ONAP Member is welcomed to provide support and work on each of the items.

Design and Test Cases:

vCPE Design and Test Cases

Related Tutorials:


      • Jun 28, 2017 Meeting: Use Case Walk Through
        - Yoav walked through the use case flows so that people from different project can understand the details and subsequently identify impact/requirements/issues related to their respective projects.

      • Jun 30, 2017 Meeting: Closed Loop Control

        - Yoav presented the flow on automatic reboot/restart.
        - One question was whether we want to restart VNF or VM. The answer is to restart VM.
        - Data collection vG_MUX --> DCAE: What needs to be worked out is the VES version and payload to be supported by vG_MUX. DCAE would like to have sample data from the VNF. Yoav will bring these requirements to Danny Lin.
        - Events DCAE --> Policy: The content of the events should be well defined.
        - Control Policy --> APPC: The detailed interface definition needs to be worked out.
        - Mapping from VNF ID to VM ID: The current flow shows that APPC will query AAI to perform the mapping. Further discussion is needed to decide where to do it: APPC or Policy.

      • Jun 30, 2017 Meeting: Design Time
        - Yoav presented the VNF onboarding process
        - VxLAN is preferred for the tunnels between BRG and vG MUX. Tunnels from different home networks will share the same VNI but are differentiated using the BRG IP addresses.
        - Ron Shacham explained that CLAMP will create a blutprint template that will be used to instantiate a DCAE instance for the use case. CLAMP is not responsible for the development of the DCAE analytics program.
        - It is determined that the infrastructure service and per customer service should be created individually.
        - Yang Xu from Integration pointed out that VNF address assignment/management (including OAM IP and port IP) needs further discussions. Yoav will update the use case architecture diagram to include OAM IP addresses.
        - It is realized that service design is complicated and needs more discussions. Yoav will follow up on these topic and schedule meetings.
        - Micheal Lando mentioned that a new version of SDC is being set up in AT&T. Daniel will check whether the community can get access to it.

      • Jul 6, 2017 Meeting: Design Time

        - Recorded meeting is here
        - Brian Freeman explained that APPC should query AAI to get the VM ID and then perform VM restart.
        - Currently that APPC polls to get the state after sending out restart command. There were discussions on using callback to get state change. Brian suggested that it be put in R2.
        - Discussed the mapping between VxLAN tunnel and the VLAN between vG_MUX and vG1.

      • Jul 9: closed loop diagram updated reflecting the discussion

      • Jul 12: Important Questions
        Discussed a the list of important questions. Refer this page: Use Case Related Important Questions and Answers

      • Jul 13: Service Model
        - Gil Bullard presented the first version of service model. He will update his slides based on the discussions and then post them here

      • Jul 18: Service Model Driven Orchestration
        Gil Bullard presented the attached slides.  Recorded meeting is here.


      •  July 19:
        Kang suggested that each project review the service model and work flows presented by Gil on 7/18 to confirm the required features.
        Went through the questions on this page to get answers or point of contact. Kang will follow up by email.
      • July 21:
        Ron Shacham presented CLAMP design for vCPE. Please watch the recorded meeting. The slides are here.
      • Aug 1:
        vCPE service model and workflow discussion. Recorded meeting.
      • Aug 3:
        vCPE service model, workflow, and network. Recorded meetings: session1, session2. (server is too busy to accept video upload, will try again later)
      • Sept 27:
        vCPE Deep Dive at ONAP Paris Event

  • No labels


  1. Please add more details for the thin device at customer site (both residential and multi-tenant locations), like how it is bootstrapped, what protocols it supports. 

    1. We need to identify possible vendors here for the whitebox / thin device - your thoughts are welcomed (smile). Expectation is that the device connects to the service providers network and cloud environment to complete the residential service (vCPE). The initial configuration of this whitebox may be done using TR69 as part of the orchestration process.

      1. To have CPE PNF in this Use Case is more close to real life scenario, and give a chance to demonstrate CPE configuration over TR-069 or NETCONF. But this increase complexity in Architecture and Sequence Diagrams, which also impact Integration Project. In this Use Case used BRG Emulator instead of CPE PNF, and ONAP will Onboard it on initial phase.

        So, CPE PNF nice to have as Aspiration Goal or leave it for Release 2.

        1. For R1 the use case will be implemented using a BRG simulator (VPP based VM). A physical device is indeed aspiration (nice to have) and if the community can arrange for a physical box, this would be good to trial in R2.

  2. What are the plans for the infrastructure (NFVI+VIM) that this use case will be running on? OpenStack based? some things else?

    1. The cloud infrastructure has yet to be decided for this usecase. My initial thoughts would be to validate the  use-case in a OpenStack environment. However this is something for discussion and agreement.

  3. Appreciate if someone could answer the following few questions:
    - The architecture diagram shows four data centers. For Release 1, what is the most realistic implemenation we are looking for?
    - Do we always create a vCPE for each residential user or a vCPE can be shared among multiple users?
    - In the Instantiation work flow, what is the "Controller" that interacts with the VIM to create VLs and VMs? APPC or something else? My understanding is that SO will talk to Openstack to create VLs and VMs.
    - After VFs are created, ideally all the subsequent configuration will be performed by APPC. Is this what we expect for this use case? If yes, does the open source VFs identified in the list provide netconf or restconf to be accessed by APPC? If not, are we going to rely on manual configuration?
    - What is the plan for end-to-end testing?

    - The table (Virtual Network Function / VNF) says vRouter is used for routing and management of DC connectivity. If this is the case then it should be shared among multiple users and should not be part of vCPE as illustrated in the architecture diagram. Am I missing something?

    1. 1) The architecture shows the possible production architecture (four data centers), for release one we will strive for a simpler implementation which is now reflected in the usecase.

      2) For each residential user there will be a vCPE service (dedicated), sharing is not considered initially although this is a potential scenario.

      3) Controller is considered to be the SO in this case, i.e. the component that interacts with Openstack for resource creation / management. I should update the diagram (smile)

      4) Yes, indeed the configuration of the VFs should be done by APP-C, we can add details once we have ironed out which ones we will use.  Some of these VNFs will however have limited configuration requirements.

      5) We should add a section on the end-2-end test approach, I will add a section and welcome input.

      6) vRouter would be one of the points in the network where we may need to configure network paths / routing for residential access.  Need to clear this up a bit.

  4. Should NAT be part of vG because it is a CPE feature? Otherwise we may not have NAT function in the use case because vRouter is aspiration goal for Release 1. 

    1. Yes, I am assuming that residential network routing / NAT is part of the vG / vHGW.  Need to make this clearer in our diagrams.

  5. There is a clear list of what VNFs and VNFs vendors are proposed to be used for this use case but I can't see any reference to what NFVI HW, and NFVI SW+VIM is proposed for this use case. After all the VNFs and NFVO will need to run on an infrastructure.

    1. Correct, no reference so far for NFVI HW, NFVI SW+WIM - we should add a section for it. 

  6. Can the ONOS vBNG be packaged as a HEAT template and corresponding images without having to pull in a whitebox component/XOS etc ?

  7. Nice use case! Could we consider CLAMP usage? Or is there a reason CLAMP was not considered?

    1. The only reason that CLAMP is not considered for Release 1 is time and resource constraints. The team wants to focus on work that can be delivered for the Release 1 time frame, CLAMP and other features are considered as aspiration targets (best effort).

  8. Views from Chinatelecom.
       First of all, we support this vCPE use case. But the current Residential Broadband vCPE use case only include residential case and it is a completely virtual one. Here, we have two suggestions as below. 
        1. In actual scenario, we would also like to deploy enterpise-base vCPE to provide the Enterprise2DC service to the tenants conveniently and quickly. We have a large number of companies who have strong requirements on this vCPE scenario. So we suggest that community will take enterprise vCPE scenario into consideration. 
       2. We also suggest to include actual physical network devices into vCPE use case.We will implement the service this year, and we hope ONAP will provide an prototype for it.

  9. Yi,

    as I completely agree with you that a more complete use case would be desirable I am very worried about timeline and feature creep. We are running late for release 1 already and adding more features will slow us down. Your suggestions seem like great extensions for release 2.

    Also I would separate the consumer broadband use case from the business use case and have separate once which can be designed independently. From experience they are very different and combining them will just generate unnecessary complexity.

    In terms of adding a PNF we did solicit input on that in Beijing and nobody spoke up. At this point we have volunteers for everything described in this use case. I assumed that if somebody wanted PNFs s/he would have volunteered resources for it by now. 

    Last but not least not being part of an official use case stops nobody from working on something. E.g. if somebody wants to add a PNF there is nothing stopping them from doing so if it is part of the official use case or not.  As AT&T uses ONAP in production we are certainly implementing lots of use cases which are not public on our own. So I know it can be done.



  10. Enterprise is a different use case as we know for our own enterprise vCPE/uCPE services.

    Adding IPv6 tunnels is an interesting comment from the TSC review that would seem like a relatively simple service provider option. We should talk to Intel and determine if IPv6 tunnels could be an option. Dual stack is something most service providers have today so making sure we can demonstrate IPv6 as well as IPv4 would be a nice stretch goal.

    1. VXLAN over IPv6 and IPv4 are both supported by the VPP.

  11. The fundamental difference between the vCPE defined in this use case and a uCPE which would fit an enterprise service is that the latter would have the capability to instantiate and run VNFs on it. This would have significant ramifications on ONAP to be able to manage the life cycle of VFs which are not open stack based. The TSC discussed this in the NJ f2f meeting and decided that for practical reason we should concentrate on the simpler use case, and go for the more complicated one later. I am sure there will be many other differences, but this one I believe is by far the biggest and too big to address for R1.

    I do not think that we should claim that a use case is good for Enterprise services if it does not include the ability to instantiate VFs on the device. This is not to say that there would not be enterprise customers that would be interested in such - there might be - but we as an organization should not make a statement that such a use case is good for enterprises. As Oliver says, specific SPs will always be able to take this use case and deploy it as a simple enterprise service.

    1. In vCPE business can be recognised three different approaches: Resedential, SMB (Small and Medium Business), Large Enterprise. They are distinguished by VNFs locations and Connectivity Method between Premises and Cloud:

      vCPEVNF locationConnectivity Method
      Resedential (R-vCPE); see BBF TR-317On Provider sideL2
      SMB (E-vCPE); see BBF TR-328, vBG hosted in cloud.On Provider sideL3
      Large Enterprise (SD-WAN); see BBF TR-328, vBG hosted in premises.On Premises sideVPN

      This is ?onditional separation, and used terms can be different in different documentation. For example, SD-WAN also known as uCPE, or some time it is called as Distributed VNF.

      As Yoav mention, SD-WAN Use Case can be proposed for Usecase subcommittee for consideration for Release 2.

  12. Yi Yang, as we only have 24 hours (less now) before the email voting, to be practical I propose that you describe the modifications you are proposing to the use case definition. Please be specific to the level of detail currently here (diagrams and text), so it is really clear and concise.

    Does this make sense?


  13. Brian, being mindful of Oliver's point about timelines feature creep, I did want to point out that VPP supports LW4over6.

  14. The flows propose a couple of reference VNFs - vAAA and vDHCP.  I assume these would be compliant to the ONAP VNF Guidelines and managed by the Integration Project. The Integration Project is not listed in the project impact/ dependencies section above.

  15. I guess we (at least I) considered it going without saying, as the integration project will be impacted with any and every use case.

    Added anyway.

    1. The Reference VNFs may need adaptation to support ONAP, the VNF Requirements and the release use cases. The code bases for these VNFs are administered by the Integration project rather than by a separate project. The behavior is different because the Integration project can't just issue a bug report to the upstream project as there isn't one.

  16. Steven, we are in contact with Integration project already, will figure out what all project impact/dependencies are and act accordingly.

  17. Can someone clarify what the requirements are for Policy with respect to "Support new policy related to the service + the connectivity to the WhiteBox / BRG."

    We currently support control loop policy for auto healing, but I would like to get clarification if any other service specific policy is being asked for, as well as "the connectivity to the WhiteBox".

  18. APPC/SDC Teams met on 7/3 in order to discuss APPC/SDC interaction related to the vCPE Use Case

    MoM: APPC Meeting Minutes - (Jun'17 - May'18)#07/03/17-APPC/SDCDiscussions

    Looking at "Onboarding of vCPE VNFs", it is unclear how the DCAE Telemetry will be consumed by APPC.

    I would like to share additional feedback provided by Eden (SDC).

    There is no direct interaction between SDC and Policy for Monitoring:

      1. ‘DCAE Telemetry’ is an umbrella of artifacts relevant for VNF monitoring.
      2. These artifacts are used by SDC, particularly the DCAE-Designer, to prepare VFCMT (i.e. Monitoring Templates/Blueprints) used by DCAE to spin-up/instantiate the DCAE components (e.g. Collectors, Mappers, Supplementary, Enrichers).

    There is no interaction between SDC and Policy on Designing Policies and distribute them to Policy Engine (which could be a per-requisite step for this Use Case).

    Would it be possible to progress on these items prior the next Use Case meeting? thank you

  19. PCRF is listed as a VNF, but I do not see it in the call flows. Can you clarify why we need PCRF and how PCRF will interact with other VNF ?

    1. Eric, PCRF, indeed, is not needed for this implementation of residential vCPE, removed from the use case description.

      1. Agreed, unless resource or policy assurance needed.

  20. PCRF is not planned to be part of the use case in R1, and hence the tag aspiration that appeared next to it.

    The original text in the vCPE use case which was also presented in the Middletown f2f included PCRF. Subsequently we did significant editing on the text with a two-fold target:

    1. Delete (almost all) text which would not be relevant for R1
    2.  Add a lot of detail on the remaining text

    The PCRF row in the VNF table was supposed to be deleted as part of this editing, turns out we missed it.

    Thanks for pointing this out, it is now removed.

  21. Kang/Yoav,

    In the wiki there is a bullet for Policy with the following: 

    "Support new policy related to the service + the connectivity to the BRG_Emulator."

    Can you explain a bit more on what that service policy would look like? I know that we can support the control loop policies for this use case, but I'm not sure what this type of policy is that you are expecting.

  22. Customer Specific Services can be resided in SFC Domain, behind vG, as proposed in BBF WT-345:

    Here can be resided VNFs like Firewall, Parental Control or Application Filter.

    1. It is a valid feature request and Michal from Organ will provide a detailed lists about SFC feature requirement for release 2. One block issue is that SDC today does not support SFC or VNFFG editor so modeling SFC is the first thing to do.

  23. I updated the slides based on the comments and notes made on Monday.  The changes are as follows:

    • Removed SNIRO from Release 1 and moved to a set of Release 2 slides
    • Replaced AppC with SDNC
    • (Post-meeting comment) Made changes to the data model mapping to have the  vBRG Target_IP attribute mapped from the Tunnel_XConn rather than the vGMUXaaS.  This is because the vCpeResCust context does not include vGMUXaaS.

    Updated slides are here:

    1. Hi,

      Yet times, it is required that vG or other VMs that are being brought up on behalf of Customer needs to be configured via  specific/generic  EMS systems - Such as firewall policies, AV signatures and policies.  I don't see interaction with EMS systems in the presentation as well as original approved text.  Is it not required for vCPE use case?  BTW, I see interaction with 3rd party EMS in VoLTE project.  

      Another difference I see in vCPE over VoLTE use case is the usage of VF layer.  Is this deliberate to keep the VF out of vCPE use case?



  24. Plug and Play Flow for discussion PNF onboarding steps to ONAP

       Linda & BenONAPPlugandPlay_11Jan2018 v4.pptx

    1. Here is a pdf version in case you are having trouble viewing the pptx version.

  25. Testing out a PPTX upload again


  26. Marge H. noted that she saw a lot of Math symbols for the PPT slides. It turns out if you use the power point viewer (to preview) the slides it does not work.

    But if you download the file it is fine.

    Best regards,
