Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


SDNC API URL: http://sdnc:8282/apidoc/explorer/index.html, credential: admin/Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U

DGBuilder URL: http://{{sdnc_ip}}:3000/#  with dguser/test123


Code Block
ubuntu@onap-sdnc:~$ sudo docker exec -it sdnc_db_container bash

bash-4.2# mysql -u sdnctl -p sdnctl

Enter password: gamma

Overlay DG: GENERIC-RESOURCE-API(Module), dci-connects-network-topology-operation-activate(RPC)

Underlay DG: GENERIC-RESOURCE-API(Module), network-topology-operation-create

Log file for directed graph:

Code Block
ubuntu@onap-sdnc:~$ sudo docker exec -it sdnc_controller_container bash

root@d135452786ee:cd /opt/opendaylight/current/data/log
root@d135452786ee:tail -f karaf.log

Log file for ueb_listener:

Code Block
root@ac761f8e8c33:/# cd /opt/app/ueb-listener/logs/

Disable Replica

Code Block
root@sb00-rancher:~/oom#  kubectl -n onap edit StatefulSet/dev-sdnc-sdnc

  podManagementPolicy: Parallel
  replicas: 1


     - name: SDNC_REPLICAS
        value: "1"

Steps to check DG

  1. http://{{sdnc_ip}}:3000/#  with dguser/test123
  2. Open menu from GUI top right corner, and choose Import→Clipboard
  3. Copy DG json file from gerrit sdnc/oam/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json, e.g. GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_dci-connects-network-topology-operation-activate.json
  4. In the DG graph, click on the left of DGSTART node to see more function on the DG, like validate XML, download XML, etc
  5. You can download XML and search for error message you see in sdnc_controller_container karaf log

DB operation

Code Block
mysql> show tables;
mysql> show columns from SERVICE_MODEL;
mysql> select name, service_uuid, invariant_uuid from SERVICE_MODEL;
| name                   | service_uuid                         | invariant_uuid                       |
| NULL                   | 0                                    | NULL                                 |
| vBNG_0202              | 00e50cbd-ef0f-4b28-821e-f2b583752dd3 | dbf9288d-18ef-4d28-82cb-29373028f367 |
| BK-012317-UUID-Service | 0a92fd9c-baab-4c03-b4e2-827e2cb9bcc7 | 083b57cd-4b76-4924-a64c-610445528063 |
| vEPC                   | 2c02b479-905f-4b6d-bd03-a2c8a8cdfae4 | 6dd6969c-b75c-4146-8a96-0cb9c0af19a7 |
| VoLTE e2e Service      | 96a01eb8-1538-40a6-a9ab-0f6bf8e0d877 | e9b5654e-6627-4590-9a54-a39b4d85955e |
| vIMS                   | de3dc33a-799a-48fe-aef2-9a7e93631a4c | 970177ab-40d9-4ab7-9a9b-aa2d08c9ca91 |
Code Block
titleVF Model
mysql> select * from VF_MODEL where nf_role is not null;
| customization_uuid                   | model_yaml | invariant_uuid                       | uuid                                 | version | name                    | naming_policy                                   | ecomp_generated_naming | avail_zone_max_count | nf_function                          | nf_code             | nf_type            | nf_role               | vendor                  | vendor_version |
| 232972fe-4ee2-4056-b23a-73c5052eb791 | null       | af94e0b5-454c-4fd8-b62b-ef27632afd22 | 71b87384-8e60-4d0b-9ed0-757245996fc3 | 1.0     | VID-PCRF-05-15-17       | NULL                                            | NULL                   |                    1 | function_2                           | code_1              | Type_1             | role_1                | null                    | null           |
| 53ed3b2b-4225-45da-bf21-ebb5abdc9000 | null       | 15b244fa-a9e2-4f68-a978-05184d78b911 | 028c08dd-56c6-42e3-ae6d-84f98ca09f37 | 2.0     | 06e7a3b5-f81c-4f99-b33d | SDNC_Policy.Config_MS_ONAP_VFW_NAMING_TIMESTAMP | Y                      |                    1 | ONAP-TRAFFIC-GEN                     | vpg                 | TRAFFIC-GEN        | vPG                   | 8f64125f-125a-40b4-b882 | 1.0            |

Set karaf log level
Code Block
root@dev-appc-appc-0:/opt/opendaylight/current/data/log# /opt/opendaylight/bin/client 
Logging in as karaf

________ ________ .__ .__ .__ __ 
\_____ \ ______ ____ ____ \______ \ _____ ___.__.| | |__| ____ | |___/ |_ 
/ | \\____ \_/ __ \ / \ | | \\__ \< | || | | |/ ___\| | \ __\ 
/ | \ |_> > ___/| | \| ` \/ __ \\___ || |_| / /_/ > Y \ | 
\_______ / __/ \___ >___| /_______ (____ / ____||____/__\___ /|___| /__| 
\/|__| \/ \/ \/ \/\/ /_____/ \/

Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown OpenDaylight.

Logger | Level
org.apache.aries.spifly | WARN
org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.audit | INFO
opendaylight-user@root>set DEBUG org.onap

Preconfiguration for VoLTE SDNC: ONAP VoLTE SDNC Integration Test.docx

VoLTE SDNC log: volte_sdnc.log