Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  •  Once the screen is filled in, select "Next"
  • It will then prompt you for the branches to select. Choose: 2.0.0-ONAP, R3workingbranch, and Master. "master" and  Click "Next".
  • You will then be prompted to select a local directory on your machine into which the model should be loaded. It can be any location you want, and not necessarily the workspace you are using for Eclipse/Papyrus projects.  As an "initial branch", select "R3workingbranchmaster". Select the option "Import all existing Eclipse projects...".  Your screen at this point should look like this:
    Image RemovedImage Added
  • Note: In order for the above process to work, you may have to exit your corporate VPN.
  • Select "finish". For a first time, you may get the following message. Select "Yes".


  • The cloning process should complete, and the repository should be created on your local machine. If you encounter errors, contact the ONAP model administrator to get help.
  • The view below shows an example of the newly created repository which has been opened up down to the level of the "Local" folder. Note: You should  have the R3workingbranch "master" branch only showing up as your "Local".

Image Removed          Image Added

Viewing the Model in Papyrus

  • Once you have successfully cloned the ONAP model, you can now view it in Papyrus. Go to the Papyrus perspective by selecting  "Window->Perspective→Open Perspective→ Other" on the top of your screen and then select "Papyrus". Or, again you can go to "Quick Access" and select the icon that looks like a bird:
  • This perspective should show a "Project Explorer" on the left side of the screen.
  • You should see your newly created Eclipse/Papyrus project in the "Project Explorer" on the left side of the screen.
    Image Removed(ignore the question mark, it shouldn't be there)
    Image Added
  • The text in light brown is telling you that your project is in the modelspec repository you just created, in the branch "R3workingbranchmaster".
  • The model actually resides in the "papyrus" folder, in "modelspec". If you open up the papyrus folder and then the  ONAP Information Model folder, you will see:


  • Image Added
  • Here is a description of what you have in the ONAP Information Model. Each of the "green birds" represent a Papyrus model. Aside from the Profiles, you have the overall "model" that is composed of "sub-models". Each of the "sub-models" has a model editor that is responsible for editing the model and uploading the changes into Gerrit/Git. Note: two people can not be editing a "sub-model" without clearly communicated coordination, otherwise "model conflicts" arise. 
    • GenDoc  - This is where the GenDoc templates reside for creating an output of the model in Word                     
    • StyleSheets - These are CSS stylesheets to use when formatting the model                                                              Owner: Jessie Jewitt
    • Common - The common submodel of the model (where artifacts used by multiple sub-models are stored)           Owner: Kevin Skaggs
    • Infrastructure -  The infrastructure submodel where the multi-cloud artifacts are stored                                          Owner: Arun Gupta
    • model - This is the "umbrella" ONAP model that contains all the submodels                                                           Owner  Owner: Jessie Jewitt
    • Nf - Network Function submodel                                                                                                                                Owner: Jessie Jewitt
    • Ns - Network Service submodel                                                                                                                                  Owner: Chuyi Guo
    • OpenModel_Profile.profile- Contains IISOMI stereotypes                                                                                           Owner: Jessie Jewitt          OpenModel_Profile.profile- Contains IISOMI stereotypes                                  
    • Party - The party submodel for party related artifacts                                                          Owner: Jessie Jewitt                                           Currently inactiveParty
    • Pnf - The party submodel for party related artifacts  Pnf submodel where PNFD resides                                                                                                               Currently inactive Owner: Jessie Jewitt
    • Resource - The resource submodel for resource related artifacts                                                                                Owner: Jessie JewittChuyi Guo
    • Service - The service submodel for service related artifacts                                                                                         Owner: Jessie JewittKevin Skaggs
    • Vnf - The Vnf submodel for Vnf specific artifacts                                                                                                         Owner: Kevin Skaggs
  • To see the entire model, double-click on "model". The model will open up in the model explorer which is on the left side of the screen in the center:


            Image Added

  • The icon with the triangle saying "model" represents the entire ONAP model. The icons with a little arrow coming out of a circle represent the sub-models.
  • Open up any sub-model like you would a folder, and you will see something like the following (in this example it is the Vnf sub-model)
  • Each sub-model has the following types of packages
    • Associations - Contains all associations used in diagrams.
    • Diagrams - Contains UML diagrams
    • Interfaces - Contains Component, Interface, and Operation artifacts (usually empty for now)
    • ObjectClasses - Contains all class definitions
    • TypeDefinitions - Contains all DataTypes and Enumerations.
  • Start viewing the model by selecting any diagram, i.e. in the Vnf → Diagrams package.
  • Here's a little trick for seeing the associated artifacts in the diagram. In the model explorer bar you will see two arrows opposing each other. Select that double-arrow option:


  • Only approved model editors can update the working branch in Gerrit. 
  • To be a model editor you must undergo Papyrus training and attend the weekly Papyrus modeling sessions.
  • Once you have finished making your model changes, make sure you "save" them in Papyrus, by selecting "File→ Save", or select the file icon.
  • Next, you will need to go to the "Git" perspective to select the files you have changed and prepare them for uploading to Gerrit
    • Once in the Git Perspective, select the repository where you have changed the files.

    • Select the "Git Staging" tab in the lower right hand portion of your screen.
    • You will see the files that you have changed in the "Unstaged changes". Note: If there is a file there that you did not intend to change, right-click on that file and select "Replace with HEAD revision". That will revert any unwanted changes you may have made.
    • Select the files that you did change, right-click and select "Add to index", Or, as a shortcut, you can select the little green "plus" sign that will add the files for you:

                     Image RemovedImage Added

    • Once they have been added, they will show up in the "Staged Changes" 
    • Next you will need to prepare to "Commit and Push" your changes. Position your cursor in the "Commit Message" window
    • Add a commit message indicating the change you have done, i.e. "Added new diagram to service model" then carriage return twice so that you will have a blank line after your message.
    • You can then optionally add a more detailed message about the change.
    • Next, you will have to associate the change to a JIRA ticket. Add on the line after the blank line:  Issue-ID: MODELING-104
    • Note that there is a blank between ":" and "M".  The JIRA ticket MODELING-104 is a general ticket for changes to the working branch.
    • Note that Git will generate a "Change id" for you, so you don't need to manually add one.
    • Then you will need to "Sign-off" on the change by selecting the "Sign-off" button. This is the "Pen" icon next to the "Commit Message". Select that icon
