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Meeting every 2 weeks at 1100 EST Tue - - backup is my next meet on April 2nd



Luke Parker , Prudence AuDave Williamson  , Michael O'Brien , Sanjay,  Lorraine Welch


  • Meetings every 2 weeks now 
  • M3 passed 
  • Will fill in our state in Dublin Risks - especially our lack of resources available currently
  • Try to get some metric tie in - have been asked a couple times about non-application logs and metrics
  • Need to finish spec example
  • Review last week LOG Meeting Minutes 2019-03-05
  • Fix committer list
  • Had to delete our large CMR cluster on openlab to free up 224G for the integration team - will address OOM resources tomorrow
  • OOM meet tomorrow (Mike back on the 25th) - OOM Meeting Notes - 2019-03-20
  • Lorraine Welch setting up fluentd instance - nice
  • Michael O'Brien will try to key back pv/pvc work done internally to LOG persistence/rotation - including work from Lorraine Welch
