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TopicsNotes / Status / Follow-up
Jira backlog review & Dublin release status

New theme to Sofia Wallin

New theme to be presented during the week of May 6. Rich Bennett and Sofia Wallin to prepare some more detailed information on how to work with table of content and other details that might differ from the current theme. Sofia to reach out to Catherine and Jim to get a slot in the PTL or TSC call. 

Documenting VNF on-boarding Carol Nelson & Rich Bennett

Structure of the documentation (

This is the main task for the Dublin Release

Andreas proposed a more complete (includes operations, preparation for ONAP, etc) and recognition of multiple interfaces (CLI, UI, API Postman collections)  structure for user guides Proposed Structure of Guides .

Upcoming hackathon May 14 2019
Swagger Direction Change

Swaggerv2doc does not always provide  the functionality.

  •  Change swaggerv2doc recommendation... If there are problems we will recommend just post the json link. Eric Debeau
